Friday, September 09, 2005

Which side?

Last night we attended Alex and Liat's wedding. Mazal Tov!

The standard question at a wedding is: "Which side are you on?" Well, at this wedding we were on the orange side. Yes, many of us had something orange, whether the bracelets, a hat, shawl, nails etc. One friend proudly told us that her mother tied an orange ribbon to the walker, showing that one's never too old to be orange. One big orange family.

This is a case that underlines, confirms the accuracy of the morning blessing said by women thanking G-d for creating us how He wishes. It certainly is much easier for us females to show our orange side. Our clothes have so many more possibilities. Not too many men would wear double-breasted suits with orange buttons, or orange flowered slacks, or orange fingernails. On occasion I've seen orange kippot.

Just the right spot of orange means that we're members of the same club and the right side of the spectrum.

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