Friday, May 16, 2008

What's So Terrible About Looking One's Age?

I'd rather be youthful, in a young at heart way, than botoxed, tucked and stitched.

Too many people of my age and even younger look peculiar with unhighlighted colored hair, too dark for their skin and not matching their eyebrows. Others look like old babydolls left out in the sun, stiff puffed out cheeks. I'd rather be real.

She was once so pretty. That's Pricilla Presley, Elvis's wife, if you can't recognize her.


SuperRaizy said...

There's so much pressure today for women (and men) to look thin, beautiful and young all the time. For a lot of women their appearance is directly tied to their sense of self worth. So they'll do anything to try to look young- including (as you put it) getting botoxed, tucked, and stitched.
You're right of course. These women don't look young and beautiful. They look old and slightly demented.

Batya said...

It'a matter of defining beauty.