Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Name Change?

I wasn't really thinking when I gave this blog the name, me-ander. I wanted "musings," but blogger said it was taken, and so was "meander." Sort of a wandering mind.

I just kept typing things in, until blogger said:
"You have it." or something like that

And that's how I ended up with that silly name.

Every once in a while I see a blog with a name so great, I'm jealous. Why couldn't I think of something clever, witty and/or meaningful?


Leora said...

I kinda like it! It's different.

One of the problems with naming your blog is you have to name it before you build up your audience. Once you have an audience, you can ask them all sorts of things.

I called mine "Here in HP", thinking I was going to write about Highland Park. Well, after my trip to Israel, little ole Highland Park is kinda dull right now. I just write about whatever. No one seems to visit based on the blog title.

Rafi G. said...

some people are very creative in that way...

Batya said...

OK, thanks
I guess after all these years it would be pretty useless to change it.

Anonymous said...

It is quite a good name anyway. Don't change it.

Batya said...

When the blog was new, it got some strange visits by people miss-spelling "under."