Wednesday, February 29, 2012

There's No "One Way" To Make Hamentaschen

Pre-internet, when I'd want to check a recipe, I'd take down a bunch of cookbooks, check for what I wanted in the indexes and then compare the various recipes.  Now you can quickly do it on google.  The multitude and variety of recipes for the same basic food gave me the confidence to be creative in cooking and baking.  If the experts didn't agree on how to make a chocolate cake, sometimes even offering very different versions in one cookbook, that means that there's no "one way."  My version is just as authentic/legitimate than anybody else's.

So if you'd like some more suggestions on how to make Hamenatschen, those triangular-shaped filled cookies many Jews eat on Purim, then check out Miriam's post which includes eight very unique and different hamantashen recipes.


Miriam said...

Batya, thank-you so much for the posting about my Yummy, Yummy Hamantashen article...

Happy baking!

Batya said...

Miriam, thank you"!