Havel Havelim is the weekly Jewish and Israeli blog carnival that floats around the internet from blog to blog. Each blogger adds his/her own blogging personality and posts. We coordinate/communicate on our facebook page. You can submit your posts, and any others you think would be relevant via blog carnival. If you'd like to host an edition, please let me know, thanks.
There's also a monthly Jewish blog carnival that specializes in various aspects of kosher food, the Kosher Cooking Carnival. It also has a facebook page and an account with blog carnival for submitting links. If you'd like to host an edition, please let me know, thanks.
Enjoy, enjoy everyone!
Will have to read. Have not been blogging regularly so long, I even stopped reading... THANKS
(And BTW I added to recipe to the pumpkin pie blog, and sent it on the KCC
rm, I miss your frequent blog posts and always enjoy the ones you do write.
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