Nowadays, a lot of blogging is not on personal/private blogs like mine. Many news media sites have what they call "blogs,' and it's not all that difficult to get "blogging rights." I blog on "mainstream media" with the same posts I write here. These blog carnivals were popular when we bloggers had to do our own publicity, but now the bloggers are either very popular and professional with ads or they are on other larger sites. How many of us still maintain blogs like mine? Soccer Dad, who had founded Havel Havelim hasn't blogged for years, and so many of the blogs from the heyday of blog carnivals just don't exist anymore. And if they do, there is no longer the feeling of great camaraderie that there once was. I'd really appreciate some feedback and shares.
The internet sites that were once so helpful in being the conduit between the bloggers and hosts have all closed shop, so now we use facebook pages to coordinate hosting and announce the carnivals. Havel Havelim is here/click, and the Kosher Cooking carnival here/click.
I'm going to give a mix of posts for the two Jewish blog carnivals, some were sent to me, others not. If you did send me a link and it isn't included, just email me with the link, and I'll add it. Next week's Havel Havelim is hosted by Tzivia http://aliyahland.com submit to tzivia@aliyahland.com before Shabbat with a one-line description of your post. And the next Kosher Cooking Carnival, Tammuz, will be mine on me-ander, unless a volunteer steps up to take it. Please send me your links, with a short blurb to shilohmuse@gmail.com by June 15. Remember that KCC is not just a kosher recipe carnival. It includes all aspects of kosher food, including also halachik (Jewish Law,) customs and reviews of cookbooks and restaurants, kosher of course.
On with the show, and please don't forget that...
You don't have to be a blogger to read, comment and share blog carnivals!!

More than Heat in Jerusalem from RJS
Impure Prophecies, Ben-Tzion Spitz
Amazing Jewish Calendar vs "Goyish" Calendar Coincidences
Itzchak, RAV KOOK ON YERUSHALAYIM-In Honor of Jerusalem Day
Why I Don't Vote Likud: Bibi's Support of Palestinian State
Yocheved I'm Where I Need to Be, I Just Didn't Know it
My Easy "One Pot" Salmon and Veggies
Tzivia, The other half of Israel: do religious Jews hate Arabs? Visiting a synagogue for the very first time? 5 things you MUST know. and Jews and Jobs: MAMALAND REVIEW of Can I Wear My Kippah on Job Interviews?: Career Guidance for Sabbath Observant Jewish Professionals, by Lavie and Rachel Margolin

Birding in Eilat, Part 1 – incredible!
I tried out the New Dairy Restaurant on the Corner of Emek Refaim and Rachel Imanu
An important reason to Study Arabic Here in Israel
Chaviva A Plus-Size Confession from an Israeli Fatty
A Mother in Israel Yo, Frank...did you hear about the rockets fired at Israel yesterday? Friday Morning in Israel

For those who love dairy, from Tzivia We be (Gulab) Jamun… an out-of-the-ordinary dairy dessert for Shavuos / Shavuot
Pragmatic Attic cookbook review The Silver Platter
Sussman's b'Aretz My Imperfect Cup Runneth Over
Not quite what we had been expecting "Land for Peace" Debate Between Rabbi Riskin and Caroline Glick
Doug Two new beers on the Israeli market (for now)
Esser Agaroth The Plight of the Israeli Arabs of Yaffo
Reesa A Post-Shavuot Thought

Ester Another Memory From the Six Day War** In Honor of Shavuot
Lost Kitchen Beautiful Burden
Caught History for 52 Frames
Yeranen Yaakov Interesting Recent Links - Beha'alotcha 5775 - Day 1
Jewish Israel JewishIsrael Expands its Guidelines to Interfaith Relations with the Christian World
And that's it for this week. I'd really appreciate hearing from you, and of course read, comment and share this blog carnival and the posts included, as many as you can. Enjoy!!
Yup, blogging sure has changed, and us little guys have a hard time keeping up.
You already read my thoughts about why I hate the current state of the blog world. Those are still true, but I also posted about Trends in blogging for 2015.
It's a very discouraging scene for anyone just starting out. Or anyone who can't afford or lacks the tech savvy to make their blog look slick and commercial.
Another trend: people are increasingly looking for HELPFUL blogs. Bloggers are competing to offer value, not just navel-gazing reflections on the World As It Is Today.
Anyway, thanks for hosting! I'll click through and visit some other blogs here, just for old times' sake. :-)
I enjoy blogging and I enjoy writing. And I enjoy having the freedom to publish all I want. at times I think I'm nuts, and then someone tells me how much they love my blogs and agree with what I write. So I continue.
And I also blog on A7, the JPost and the Jewish Press. So my actual readership is a lot larger than it appears here and on Shiloh Musings.
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