We're a week into the Jewish Month of Ellul, which means that in three weeks it'll be Rosh Hashannah, and a week after that's over it's Yom Kippur and a few days after that we have the Succot Holiday which ends with Simchat Torah.
Yes, for Jews of all stripes there's lots to do and lots to think about. And for Jewish bloggers there should be lots to blog about, so please send me links to the posts, OK?
Havel Havelim is the long-running weekly international Jewish blog carnival, which had been started many years ago (by modern internet standards) by Soccer Dad, who no longer blogs. It floats from blog to blog, and we keep it organized on our facebook page. If you'd like to host one, please let us know, and it's yours! I'm always willing to help newbies. Hosting isn't hard and it's a good way to get your blog better known and know others.
The Kosher Cooking Carnival is the monthly (in theory--appearing on or around Rosh Chodesh, the beginning of the Jewish Month,) blog carnival I began a number of years ago on the specific topic of kosher food. It can include posts about every aspect from Halacha, Jewish Law, to recipes, customs, kosher cookbooks and restaurants. You can also volunteer to host an edition; we also have a facebook page.
To guarantee your post's inclusion in one of the blog carnivals, please send me the link, with a short blurb describing it, to shilohmuse@gmail.com and ither HH or KCC as subject, thanks. If there will be a different host, I'll just forward it. Since Havel Havelim is weekly, please send the link before Shabbat your time, thanks. I not only include links sent to me, but I also look for others.
Remember, that you don't have to be a blogger to read, comment and share the posts on Havel Havelim or the Kosher Cooking Carnival.
Tzedek, Tzeddek, that's right!!
First are posts sent to me, then mine and last will be some I've found. Responsibility for content is that of the writer, not mine. Jewish bloggers are a heterogeneous group of people with a wide variety of opinions. If we didn't have opinions, we wouldn't have anything to blog about. If you'd like to be included or have a favorite blog you think should be in it, then don't be shy; send me a link. In the meantime, enjoy:

Drew Kaplan, “The Joy of Text” Features a Discussion on Speaking With One’s Children About Sex and Features Guest Dr. Joy Ladin to Discuss Changing Genders
Ben-Tzion Spitz, Lions of Judah, The Bible itself as well as subsequent Rabbinic commentators have mixed feelings regarding a monarchy. On one hand it seems to be a command that the nation of Israel should have a king. On the other hand, it seems that a monarchy may only be established if the nation desires one.

Jacob Richman, Welcome Home to the New Olim and photos at the airport, 3 Year Jewish Holiday Calendar (5576-5778 / 2015-2018)
I was at the 4th Shiloh Conference, which was wonderful!! Don't miss next year's! Photos From the 4th Shiloh Conference כנס שילה
On Shiloh Musings, among dozens of other topics, I wrote about two revolutions happening right now. The New "American Revolution," 2015/2016 and Shabbat Revolution in Israel

We were in Efrat and it sure has grown. Grand Bus Tour of Efrat
And here are a few interesting blog posts and articles.
Berkeley Couple Welcomes Shabbat Guests for 25 Years
Carter To Seek Cancer Treatment In Gaza: ‘No Jewish MDs There’
Today's Mitzvot

Four Year Aliyah Anniversary
Twenty-Three Years Ago...Today
If it were my parent...
Poetry, Please; Moroccan Fish Balls
Armenian Stuffed Grape Leaves
Just when you think you miss Walmart...
Ashdod Beer Festival -- August 19-20
After Yesterday, Cooler-Yet-Warmer News
Enjoy and comment and share the posts.
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