Wednesday, January 10, 2007

blogger's back and...

... I can't fall asleep!

Blogger was under the weather, or under the knife or just "maintanance" as they call it. And for whatever peculiar reason, I just can't sleep. That's rare but a problem, especially when it happens on a Tuesday night, since I get up early on Wednesday to go to the pool. Or at least I hope I'll be up early tomorrow morning--of course, that's if I fall asleep. and it does happen a lot on Tuesday, maybe since I have to get so jazzed up when I teach a full "day" in the afternoon.

So I guess it's time to visit... blog visits, since at 1am, I can't go knocking on doors.

First, we're going to celebrate with Sarah, who's celebrating one year of blogging! Mazal Tov!!

If you want to learn something new about moze, read this!

The Pragmatician shows just the technique needed to get English into my students' heads!

Read this unbeatable Ode to Bloggers from the multi-talented Bagel Blogger. Don't worry bb, I'm still blogging!

The latest from social worker frustrated mom sounds pretty good. You must see those wild illustrations she posted.

Akiva writes about Jewish women and war and female Israeli soldiers. Now, imho, if all able bodied men did their jobs, there would be no room in the army for women!

NYC Educator reports on state of NYC Education; I think it was better when I was a kid.

Baleboosteh tells a very disturbing story.

Marallyn's back home.

Ezzie talks about economics. Rent sounds outrageous, and they only have one kid and aren't paying tuition yet. Nu, when are you joining the blue and whites?

Jameel tells us what he loves about Israel. I'll add one story of my own, which happened on Rosh Chodesh. I was benching after having felafel at "Shalom's" and the guy working there said: "Yaala v'yavo," to remind me to say the special Rosh Chodesh addition to the prayer. It's like when buying kitchen appliances, and you can ask the salesman what can be tovled, dipped in the mikvah, ritual bath.

Here's a wonderful story on Heichal Hanegina.

And westbankmama has some disturbing news.

That's it for now; it is the middle of the night, and I should be half way through my sleep, and my room is cold, and I'll try to fall asleep again.


Ezzie said...

Hehe. Not so long, hopefully...

Batya said...


Sarah Likes Green said...

thanks for all your visits :) (and the link!)

Batya said...

my pleasure

westbankmama said...

Thanks for the link. I guess some of us benefit when you can't sleep!

socialworker/frustrated mom said...

Just saying hello and you should really read this new post.

Anonymous said...

Here is a link to a new cookbook that looks interesting.

Batya said...

Blog-visiting sure beats eating when can't sleep.
I started the "visiting" a couple of weeks ago, so keep checking in for more!
s/f I will
and thanks if. I sent the link to elisheva who's doing next week's kcc.