Whatever I have now makes my voice sound like the 60 year old Marianne Faithful on a bad day.
Luckily, I had a very easy teaching day. I think that I feel better than I sound. That's not saying much of course, since I sound ill, very ill. My coughs are no pleasure to hear either.
But I'm not any more tired than usual, and unusual exhaustion's usually a sign of illness with me.
My daughter and family decided to keep their germs at home for Shabbat, but I'll be sending food. I'm sure they prefer it without my germs.
I ought to get a hold of some books to read if I'm stuck in the house on Shabbat. G-d willing I'll be better by then. I've been drinking my freshly squeezed lemon juice in water and already had one cup of miso mixed with boiling water. It's like a plain soup. It usually gets me back on track, much better than honey and booze.
Good night!
That's no fun! I hope you feel better soon.
feel better soon.
shabbat shalom
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