Actually, the good news isn't about the weather. It's not quite the weather we were promised. Last night they said that today would be a warm pleasant day, more like spring than winter. But instead of the winter rains we need, or a cheery warm day. We have a bright sun and strong icy winds.
But what really cheered me up was the one and only Bagel Blogger's announcement. He liked my idea of a new jblog carnival.
We already have Havel Havelim and my very own Kosher Cooking Carnival. I decided that we're ready for another one. It's time to show off the photographic talents of the jbloggers. Bagel Blogger took up the challenge...and therefore:
The Inaugural 1st Edition of J Pix the Photocarnival is coming up...!

So start the ball rolling. Be part of the debut edition, and get your photo posts in soon!
congrats on the award!!!!!!!!!! keep up the great blogging :)
love the idea of a photocarnival :) wil definitely be involved with that once i sort things out here in LA
couldn't have done it without your banner
are you IN LA or just in LA?
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