Actually, I'm very tired and will have to blog about it tomorrow. Yes, I was here, at least some of the time, tired, yes... I'm tired.
A Jewish Grandmother: Original, unedited daily musings, and host to the monthly Kosher Cooking Carnival. **Copyright(C)BatyaMedad ** For permission to use these in publications of any sort, please contact me directly. Private accredited distribution encouraged. Thank you.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
bissel tired
Actually, I'm very tired and will have to blog about it tomorrow. Yes, I was here, at least some of the time, tired, yes... I'm tired.
RSS? Nu?
My question now is:
How can I set up one of those icons, which when clicked will offer an RSS subscription to my blogs?
I'm a writer, not a technician.
Thanks for the info to whomever will provide it!
Saturday, September 29, 2007
"Almost Like Being in Love"
Guess what my parents brought me! A present from that cousin, "Brigadoon!" What a lovely movie. Nothing beats those old musicals. The dancing is better than I remembered it, and so is the story.
This week's theme: toponyms -- words derived from the names of places.
brigadoon (BRIG-uh-doon) noun
An idyllic place that is out of touch with reality or one that makes its appearance for a brief period in a long time.
From Brigadoon, a village in the musical of the same name, by Alan Jay Lerner and Frederick Loewe, based on the story Germelshausen by Friedrich Gerstacker. Brigadoon is under a spell that makes it invisible to outsiders except on one day every 100 years.
Friday, September 28, 2007
quick post

Just got back from Jerusalem. I had breakfast with my parents in the succah of the Kings Holtel and then did some errands with my mother. Then grabbed a cab to the "CBS*," and I'm home already.
*defined in an earlier post, so scroll down or do the blogger search for this blog
Easy "cooking"
Will report back later, of course.
Shabbat Shalom and Chag Sameach, and yes, some readers won't be online until Saturday night. Oh, how much nicer it is to live in Israel and not have to deal with those two-day holidays and frequent three-dayers.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
The succah is up, including the s'chach. And I decorated it with some posters, which are stored in our special Succot box. (Remember to save your Jewish Calendars. Many have pictures which make great succah decorations.)

Wednesday, September 26, 2007
must change pace
Am I going crackers? Could be. I haven't slept all that much. Did I blog you that I went to the pool on Monday. It wasn't all that crowded, which is good, and I saw lots of friends, who were glad to see me. That's always nice. I'm going to try something new for fitness. I just discovered that there's a "Curves" in Pisgat Zeev.
Back to the kitchen and cleaning and...
I didn't sleep much last night. Went to bed late after getting back. Busy day. Cooked, laundry, then to Jerusalem, then to the airport by bus. Then waited for my parents, then back to Jerusalem with them. First we tried to get on one of the Nesher Shuttles, but when it seemed to be taking forever, and they wouldn't promise to let us off first, I ran to the taxis, got one, had it pick my parents up by Nesher. Nice driver, and being a "special," straight to the hotel. Met there by daughter #1. Had them register, unpack and then dinner in the lobby, Kings Hotel. It has seen better times and worse. Food was OK. The four of us shared three meals. Then walked a bit, took a cab to French Hill, the "trempiada." Waited for a ride. Eventually, one to Ofra, waited more and more. Then there was a ride to Eli; as we approached our junction, offered to take us in to the guards, then just continued all the way into Shiloh. Sheyizke l'mitzvot, he should be rewarded with more mitzvot. There are some good people in this world. Walked up the hill home and was too "awake" to go to sleep even though it was past bedtime. Got up before my alarm.
Tonight begins Succot. Good thing I decorated the succah yesterday. My husband still has to get the schach up, not my department.
Chag sameach
CBS-- At least that's what the bus signs call it
According to the signs on the bus stops on Jerusalem streets, CBS stands for Central Bus Station. The signmakers have no idea that for some English Speakers, CBS is a TV Channel. At least it was in my day.
Now for those who don't frequent the landmark, you're missing out on a very nice little mall.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Need a "drink?"
And while I'm at it, just to remind you that Next month KCC will be hosted by Teddy of "Help I have a fire in my kitchen," who has a request that the recipes be presented in a specific way.
Your email should have the following format (of course you can add to it,) but this is the minimum; (though only two of them are actually required):
1. Your comments or story about the recipe you are submitting (not required but suggested)
2. Ingredients (clearly marked and counted - 1,2,3 etc.) - Required
3. Pots, Utensils and thingamajigs needed to make the recipe
4. Directions For making - Required
5. And any picture you want to go along with the recipe (not required) Just send it in if it is too big I (Ted) will format for it for the blog.
It's all very clearly explained here. His blog is extremely professional and well-respected in the internet food world, so I'm very pleased that he has volunteered to host the Kosher Cooking Carnival and hope to learn a lot from him.
If you're interested in hosting a future KCC, please let me know, shilohmuse at yahoo dot com. Please submit your posts for KCC via blog carnival.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Almost Succot Shopping
Yes, it's almost Succot, and decorations are for sale.
I took this picture from the bus in Geula.

I like shopping, but I won't tell you what I got. OK, not much, really!
Welcome Back Barry!
So now we know what you're doing during your Succot Vacation!
Staying busy, right?
My body is suffering from not swimming for a few weeks already, so I'm packed for the pool this morning and then hope to meet a good friend. Then another friend is having a "seudat hodaya." That's a "feast to thank G-d" that the doctors are pleased with her health. And tomorrow morning I'm planning on cooking and then I have to go to the airport to pick up my parents.
And if there's a new baby, I'll have no problems with that. I can always make time for the next generation.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Important Visit
They served me a nice lunch, and we had a great talk, and I got some more information about family history. They should live and be well, ad me'ah v'esrim shana, until 120, as the Hebrew blessing goes.

Saturday, September 22, 2007
Update--No News
I called my daughter, and she's still pregnant. She relaxed all day and did fine.
Yes, when there's news, G-d willing good news, I'll post it.
It was very pleasant in our local synagogue. Of course, I have a nice seat, even considering the arctic blast on my shoulders from the air conditioner, but just think... In the winter, the heater will warm it up, really well, like the physical therapy I probably need.
As in most Israeli synagogues, the prayers are led by volunteers, amateurs, even if they've had some training. Yom Kippur isn't easy. The men who act as chazanim, cantors, are fasting just like everyone else. We had a nice variety for this chag, Holiday.
Just the highlights:
Kol Nidre was with a French Ashkenaz accent, soft, gentle voice.
Musaf was a show stopper! First of all, it is long and dramatic, definitely not easy even when not fasting. A young man, from a different neighborhood, came up to lead that prayer. He has a good voice, not the operatic professional cantor type, just good, enthusiastic and strong. Normally I don't like hand-clapping, but he was doing the clapping and sang much louder than the clapping. He was in control. Frequently people start clapping, but to a very different pace from the person leading the prayers, or a schizophrenic-syncopation matching nothing at all, which just makes me totally nuts. But in this case, it worked.
As usual we had to waste time, finishing Neila early. That prayer was led by one of the "younger" members of our shul. He did a good job, too.
From my vantage point, I really don't have any complaints.
Baruch Hashem, we're healthy, and G-d should just forgive us for our sins.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Erev Yom Kippur-- plenty to do
I have a lot of cleaning and cooking to do. Cooking for a 25 hour fast? Well, we have to eat before and after, and my daughter, due with #3, "ordered catering" from me. So I need to return to the kitchen and finish early enough for the food to be delivered.
And there's lots of clean, since I never fully cleaned up from the 4 day Rosh Hashannah visit of that daughter and her family.
Let's just all pray for a safe delivery and healthy baby, since that's all that's really important. I'll let you know when there's news, of course, G-d willing.
Tzom Kal, "Have an easy fast" to all of you who are fasting this Yom Kippur, and may your prayers of repentance be successful. Don't get distracted. Try to concentrate on what's written in the Prayer Book, even if it means reading the translation. If you need a "break," close your eyes and let the sound of the chazan, cantor, transform your thoughts to a higher level.Gmar Chatimah Tovah
May You Be Inscribed in The Book of Life
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Safe Fasting
Fasting For Yom Kippur (from a Medical Perspective)
Michael M. Segal, MD, PhD "... a very good site, perhaps even essential ... extremely useful hints and tips ... should be taken seriously by just about everyone except the most determined masochist." The Jerusalem Post, 10 October 1997.
Each year on Yom Kippur, Jews wish each other a khatima tova (a good seal in the Book of Life) and tolerable fast. The route to a khatima tova is beyond the scope of this article; the route to an easy fast is simpler to describe. The following are the essentials of human physiology that will help you have a tolerable fast on Yom Kippur:
Don't get thirsty: Most people think the difficulty about fasting is feeling "hungry". However, avoiding thirst is much more important for how you feel. Not only do you avoid the discomfort of thirst but you are also well hydrated and swallow frequently, so your stomach does not feel as empty. One important way to remain well hydrated is to avoid drinks or foods that cause your body to get rid of water. Such foods and drinks include alcohol, tea, caffeinated coffee and chocolate. Another important rule is to avoid consuming much salt. Salt causes a person to feel thirsty despite having a "normal" amount of water, because extra water is needed for the extra salt. For this reason you should avoid processed foods containing lots of salt such as pickles, cold cuts, or cheese. Most tomato sauces, canned fish and smoked fish have a lot of added salt. Since Kosher meat has a high salt content it may be best to choose a main course such as fresh fish, canned no-salt tuna fish or a de-salted meat such as boiled chicken. By avoiding these types of foods and drinks in the several hours before a fast, you can avoid either losing water or needing extra water. Other actions that cause the body to lose water, such as perspiring in warm clothing, should also be avoided during the fast.
Don't start the pre-fast meal on a full stomach: The pre-fast meal often begins at 5 PM, so a large lunch could prevent you from eating enough immediately before the fast. It is best to have a small lunch, or no lunch at all. A large breakfast early in the day based on cereals, breads and fruits can provide the energy you need during the day, yet these high-fiber foods will be far downstream by the time of the pre-fast meal and will not keep you from eating enough food at the pre-fast meal. A large breakfast is also helpful because it stretches the stomach. After eating breakfast, it is best to consume beverages during the day. This will not fill you up, since liquids are absorbed quickly, and this will ensure that you have absorbed enough fluids during the day to start the pre-fast meal being well hydrated. Be sure to avoid beverages with alcohol or caffeine. You should also drink at least a glass or two of fluids with the pre-fast meal because many foods need extra water to be digested properly.
Eat foods that are digested slowly: Include some foods high in oils and fats in the pre-fast meal, since such foods delay emptying of the stomach and effectively prolong your meal. However, beware of fatty meats or salted potato chips that could load you up with too much salt. Salads and other high fiber foods that are so important in one's normal diet should be de-emphasized for the pre-fast meal since they travel quickly through the digestive system. Fruit, despite its high fiber content, is worthwhile since it carries a lot of water in a "time-release" form.
Don't get a headache: Withdrawing from caffeine produces a headache in people who drink several cups of coffee a day. If you consume this much caffeine in coffee or other foods or drinks you should prepare yourself for the caffeine-free period by reducing or eliminating caffeine from your diet in the days or weeks before Yom Kippur. Don't try to get through the fast by drinking coffee right before Kol Nidre, since this will cause you to lose a lot of water.
Make the meal tasty enough so people will eat: The pre-fast meal doesn't have be bland. Spices such as lemon or herbs are fine for fasting, but salt and monosodium glutamate should be reduced as much as possible.
Don't do a complete fast if you have certain medical problems: People with medical conditions such as diabetes should consult their doctors and rabbis before fasting. Certain medications need to be taken during Yom Kippur, and it is important to swallow them with enough water to avoid pills getting stuck on the way to the stomach and damaging the esophagus. Fasting by women who are pregnant or breast feeding can also be dangerous. If a young person who has not fasted much before has unusual difficulty fasting you should discuss this with your doctor since this happens in some serious metabolic problems in which fasting can be very dangerous.
Don't eat improperly after Neila: Even people who have prepared well for fasting will be hungry after Neila. Be sure not to eat food too quickly at the post-fast meal. Begin the break-fast meal with several glasses of milk or juice: these put sugar into the bloodstream and occupy space in the stomach, discouraging you from eating too rapidly. Also be careful about eating high salt foods such as lox, since you will still be a little dehydrated and will need to drink a lot of fluids to avoid waking up extremely thirsty in the early morning hours. If you take vitamin C, be sure that you are fully re-hydrated beforehand, because one of the vitamin's breakdown products can precipitate out in your urine if you are dehydrated, causing kidney stones, which are painful and dangerous.
These preparations for the fast of Yom Kippur will be different from your normal routine, but they can serve as a concrete reminder of the approaching Day of Atonement.
An earlier version of this article appeared in the Jewish Advocate (Boston, USA) in 1989. Copyright © 1989 - 2007 Michael M. Segal, MD, PhD. This document may be reproduced freely on a non-profit basis, including electronically, during 2007 as long as this copyright notice is included.
For an article on fasting for Yom Kippur written from the perspective of a runner and a rabbi by the late Rabbi Richard Israel click this link. Other Yom Kippur fasting articles:
Tracey R. Rich: Tips for Yom Kippur Fasting Yom Kippur: The fast
Jewish Yom Kippur: Pregnant and Fasting?
Od Avihu Chai March to Jerusalem--Itinerary

- 9am Shiloh Cemetery-- We leave from Avihu's grave
- Shiloh Junction--The main road
- Memorial at Waadi Charamiya
- Ofra
- Givat Asaf-- the T Junction to Beit El, (busses)
- Ammunition Hill, Jerusalem, for Special Program.
As in recent years, not all of the route will be hiked. You can meet us at any section of the route.
Estimated time it will end is 6:30pm.
For more details call the office, 02-940-1111 or Orit, 0545-649-140 and 0525-666-687 or Natan 0524-317-333.
BEWARE-- Don't use these candles!
I've been lighting my Shabbat, HolyDay and Yartzeit (24/48 hour) candles in the same corner of the house for the over twenty years we've been in it. Never has the wall blackened, that is until this past weekend, the three-day Rosh Hashannah and Shabbat, we just celebrated.
(I flipped it straight, but it keeps showing as on the side.)
Here's a photo of the type of candle, which had been burning. It looks clean, because I took the picture at the grocery store.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
"If I were a rich man..."
...But is that what being rich really means?
I'd build a big tall house with rooms by the dozen,
Right in the middle of the town.
A fine tin roof with real wooden floors below.
There would be one long staircase just going up,
And one even longer coming down,
And one more leading nowhere, just for show.
I'd fill my yard with chicks and turkeys and geese and ducks
For the town to see and hear.
And each loud "cheep" and "swaqwk" and "honk" and "quack"
Would land like a trumpet on the ear,
As if to say "Here lives a wealthy man."
If I were a rich man,
Ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum.
All day long I'd biddy biddy bum.
If I were a wealthy man.
I wouldn't have to work hard.
According to Pirkei Avot, Ethics of the Fathers, being rich is "being happy with your portion in life," what G-d gave you. It's one of those platitudes so easy to say but hard to do. I've met very few people in this world who truly live in accordance. One of them was my Cousin Mickey, ZaTza"L.
This week I met another one; actually I met his brother and saw both of them perform. They are Dekel and Ofer Shikratzi; I've probably spelled their last name incorrectly. They have a site, which is Hebrew only. Ofer has been a professional actor, even playing Shakespeare in England, for a long time, and Dekel is his much younger brother, who has Down Syndrome. Dekel is no less an actor, and the two brothers have been performing a two-man show for fourteen years. They have appeared all over the world.
This past Monday, they appeared at a standing room only performance in the Bnai Binyamin Yeshiva High School, Beit El, where I teach. Students, parents and staff were invited to attend. It was amazing.
Ofer, the older brother, who according to conventional wisdom, should be happy and confident, portrayed himself as troubled and traumatized by childhood events. Dekel, the one we would think dissatisfied with his lot, is actually the richer one, strong and confident, accepting his situation and happily going forward.
Following are some of the pictures I took.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Join the March to Jerusalem!

Upon hearing the terrible news, they type of news every parent dreads, Avihu's father Moshe pledged to march to Jerusalem and confront the President of the State of Israel.
So that Succot, two and a half weeks after Avihu was killed, we, neighbors, men, women, teens and toddlers in strollers, joined Moshe. We marched to Jerusalem. We marched, unprotected, where many fear to travel, even in bullet-proof vehicles.
A Succah was set up across from the President's Residence, and Jews from all over the world, including other bereaved parents and rabbis and politicians came to see him. He was also invited to meet with the President.
Every Succot since then, we have been marching from Shiloh to Jerusalem. People from all over join us. You can, too.
In total honesty, I must say that it is an amazing feeling to be back on the roads in Eretz Yisrael, hiking as free men. This is our Land. We can only possess it by walking it.
For more information about the exact route and program call the office, 02-940-1111 or Orit, 0545-649-140 and 0525-666-687 or Natan 0524-317-333.
What can be seen from my new seat at the synagogue...
Dry, brown, end of summer...
Olive trees and grape vines in Shiloh's valley
This is the valley in the land of my Village of Shiloh, not what has been known for thousands of years as Emek Shiloh, the Shiloh Valley. Maale Levona can be seen in the distance.
The Kosher Cooking Carnival Tutu, yes, 22

First of all, if you haven't yet checked it out, Juggling Frogs has organized an index of the contents of the first twenty-one Kosher Cooking Carnivals. You should add it to your side bar for easy reference. And I have to give credit where it's really due. Juggling Frogs has sent me links for many of the posts in this KCC. Thanks again, JF, you're the greatest!
Here's a listing of all the previous KCC's: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21!
The posts won't be in any sort of intelligent order; sorry.
There's an inn in Montana, run by a blogger who bakes bagels!
And talking about bagels… here's the special KCC Tutu from the one and only Mr. Bagel!
Did you know that DovBear can cook?
~Sarah~ lives pretty far away from most of us, so it's nice to know how she prepares pizza, if we ever come to visit.
Here's a dairy "crumb cake" from KallahMagazine.
Juggling Frogs shows us how to easily write on a cake. And here's her Pomegranate Chicken Salad.
Learn how to make Taco Salad from Frugal Journey.
Baking Bites reviews Hershey's Coffee Kisses. It also gives a recipe for Vanilla Bean Cheesecake Bars.
The Kosher Blog does a flexitarian Shabbat. There's also a post about new kosher grass-fed cheeses and just the right pasta for them.
Here's a nice batch of tried and true recipes from the OU site.
The talented Fred sent me this interesting recipe:
Grandma Min lived to 94, and was a real sweetie.Here's an illustrated guide to coffee from Lokesh.
Grandma Min's salmon gefiltefish
Fred - Here's the recipe - It's actually my mother's when she used to use yellow pike and Lake Erie white fish which are both now either extinct or not available.
4 pounds fish (3 pounds salmon and 1 pound halibut or other such fish or four pounds salmon)
heads, skins and bones of above
5 onions
4 tsp salt
1 1/2 tsp white pepper
1 tsp sugar
2 eggs beaten
5 1/2 cups water
3 tbsp matzo meal
2 carrots
Grind fish and one onion in food chopper or processor. Places in a large bowl, add 2 tsp salt, 3/4 tsp pepper, sugar, eggs, 1/2 c water and matzo meal. Chop or grind until fine in texture and well blended.
Place fish heads, skins and bones in very deep pot. Slice remaining onions and place over them. Add the carrots, remaining salt and pepper. Bring to an active boil. Shape fish into 2 inch balls. Drop carefully into pot. Cover and cook over low heat 1 1/2 to 2 hours. Shake pot frequently and add a little more water if necessary.
The fish broth is fabulous as well as the fish!
Read about New York delis.
Hirhurim muses about Shemittah.
Try: Healthy Shabbat's Secret Substitute for Raspberry Vinegar.
Tiffany's peanutbutter carob balls look nice and healthy.
Mo'ah Kemo Efro'ah wonders why Trader Joe can sell such good parve ice cream.
Here's an interesting parve cheese recipe: The Kosher Blog » Archive » Pareve Parmesan Cheese Substitute.
Mottel makes a "mean pasta." Yum!
Read about Joes Settler's fifth favorite food. Hey, Joe, that would make a great meme. "Name your five favorite foods."
Here's an unusual kosher food post from my husband. And here are some Rosh Hashannah food ideas he sent me from The New York Times, of all places. Yes, he has gotten into adding recipes to his blog, though we haven't tried them. I'm too spontaneous and creative a cook to follow recipes.
File this away for next year's head for your Rosh Hashannah table. Be creative!
Sometimes it's good to get out of the kitchen. If you can get to Jerusalem and want something "different," try out Istanboolie near Machane Yehuda.
It's possible to make perfect rice on an electric "platta" on Jewish Holidays.
JF sent me a link to a cookbook review about bread-making, yummy, crusty, delicious bread. Juggling Frogs also sent Virtual Shmita? posted at rabbisedley. which suggests another way to keep shmita.
And here is: Juggling Frogs: Rosh Hashanah, Sukkot, and Shmini Atzeret 5768/2007 Meal Planners (free downloads) That should help everyone.
A drum roll please…. Now for: Blog d'Elisson: THE REAL THING! I'd love some of that. (Gevalt, what a think to read when fasting on Tzom Gedalya.)
Baking bites brings passive solar heating into a totally different dimension with these cookies. And a great looking Honey Cake With Lemon Glaze can be found on the same site.
JF sent me WFMW - Comfort Food from Sell Crazy Someplace Else, which is a new blog for me.
Ezzie, the first blogger to encourage me to start KCC and was the first guest-host, too, blogs about Kosher Pareve Ice Cream.
Havel Havelim's initiator, Soccer Dad, gives us some 3 day Yom Tov cooking ideas.
Next month KCC will be hosted by Teddy of "Help I have a fire in my kitchen," who has a request that the recipes be presented in a specific way.
Your email should have the following format (of course you can add to it,) but this is the minimum; (though only two are required):
1. Your comments or story about the recipe you are submitting (not required but suggested)
2. Ingredients (clearly marked and counted - 1,2,3 etc.) - Required
3. Pots, Utensils and thingamajigs needed to make the recipe
4. Directions For making - Required
5. And any picture you want to go along with the recipe (not required) Just send it in if it is too big I will format for it for the blog.
It's all very clearly explained here. His blog is extremely professional and well-respected in the internet food world, so I'm very pleased that he has volunteered to host the Kosher Cooking Carnival and hope to learn a lot from him. If you're interested in hosting a future KCC, please let me know, shilohmuse at yahoo dot com. Please submit your posts for KCC via blog carnival.
Thanks to all of you, and please post and link this KCC to your blog.
Shannah Tovah!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Coming Attractions...
It's really my bedtime now, so I'd like to just leave you with a hint of the show I saw tonight. I don't have time to write it up properly.
So, I'm leaving you with these two coming attractions. If you have any idea of
- where
- what
- who
Momsense! Watch this!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Not quite Junior Congregation, but a real success
Also, in Israel, most shuls don't have a weekly sermon, which can really make kids, and some adults, rather antsy.
This year for Rosh Hashannah, our neighborhood synagogue did things pretty well. No, I'm not taking credit; I'm not on the committee.
There was a community Kiddush during the break before Shofar blowing. Actually, since we live very close by, we found it easier to go home. I was also able to put food on the platta, electric hotplate, so it would be ready for the meal. When we got back, there was a 15 minute sermon, and at the same time there was a children's activity. Then we all heard shofar blowing and during Musaf, some girls took the kids to a nearby playground.
On regular Shabbatot we have a "Children's Kiddush" just after the Prayers; at the same time in the summer, there's a short Dvar Torah, Torah Talk.
134, no, it's not a counting mistake
Yes, the 134 Havel Havelim! There's time to savor it, since there won't be another edition until after the holidays, the Jewish Holidays.
And in another two days, G-d willing the KCC tutu! So hurry up and get your kosher food posts in lickedy split! Please get your kosher food posts in. Either mail them to shilohmuse at gmail dot com or via blog carnival.
Holiday "cooking"
- cooking on an electric food warmer
- cooking on the Shabbat/Holiday "platta"
- surprisingly simple rice
- Holiday-cooked rice for Shabbat
According to strict Jewish Law, one can cook on Holidays but not on Shabbat. In years like this one, we have three solid days of restrictions. We just had a very long weekend, the two day Rosh Hashannah crowned with Shabbat.
Even though we can cook on Holidays, as long as we neither light a match nor put out a flame, (electric stoves are even more difficult,) I like to do all the cooking in advance, so I can pray in the synagogue and not have to worry about the logistics of the meals.
The meat and poultry were cooked in advance and some were frozen to be taken out a few hours before needed. The same for the potato-vegetable kugel. Other side dishes are more complicated. I separated the vegetables into meal portions, so they would stay fresh in the fridge. Carbohydrates were the biggest problem, since they don't freeze that well nor keep well. Personally, I don't need any, but I'm a minority.
Our electric "platta," food warmer, isn't all that hot. I've never really cooked on it, but I decided to try something new.
Since the easy way of making rice is to pour boiling water over the rice, after heating it in the pan with some oil, I figured that white rice should cook well-enough on the platta. Here's how I made rice for Shabbat on Rosh Hashannah.
I used a pot with a large diameter, to guarantee maximum heat.
We have a large electric "kettle" with lots of boiling water all the time.
I poured the clean/checked/rice into the pot, added some oil and put it on the platta to heat up a bit. Then I added double the amount of boiling water and covered it well. That means that there was a heavy towel over the pot's cover.
I did not check it while it was cooking, since that would cool it.
A few hours later, when it was time to eat, the rice was absolutely perfect!
Nothing's Perfect
I'm reminded of that every time I read the Carnival of Education. There are so many great posts linked this week. It certainly gives a different perspective when reading about what goes on in other parts of the world.
ps take a gander; there are some great posts in "coe."
Saturday, September 15, 2007
first post of the year
I like my new seat in shul, B"H. It definitely has its advantages.
There weren't any complaints about the food. The only guests we had were our married daughter and her about to expand family. And now...
I had better get to work and start cleaning. The floors, dishes, laundry....
Yes, it was worth it.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
A Wonderful Jewish New Year to All
I have a lot to do before the Holiday begins before dusk, so I may not post again, and I probably won't be visiting any blogs. Yes, I know that I haven't been visiting much, too busy and stressed out, since work has resumed.
The house will be full for the Holiday, Baruch Hashem, Thank G-d.
I've frozen a lot of the food, but I still have a lot to cook.
After Rosh Hashannah, G-d willing, I will finish working on the next Kosher Cooking Carnival, so please get your kosher food posts in. Either mail them to shilohmuse at gmail dot com or via blog carnival.
- menu planners and tips
- Shemitta, explanations and guides
- traditions and anecdotes re: Jewish Holiday foods
- restaurant and cookbook reviews
- and, yes, recipes, too
I'll be in a new seat in our synagogue. It will be a bit disorienting, but G-d willing I'll adjust and enjoy it.
Gmar Chatima Tovah
May G-d inscribe you in the Book of Life
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
pigging out
Someone, well-meaning, but unwise, put tons of chocolate candy by me. All sorts of candies to be sampled. Too many candies. They weren't even that good. But that didn't stop me.
I've been very stressed out and had no self-control whatsoever.
I had more candy today at work than I've had the past few months.
I was a very bad girl today.
Better late than never
Monday, September 10, 2007
Well, almost...
I was cold, and the ache which had kept me up at nights the past few weeks, was nudging me out of the water. It seemed rather childish to suffer another five minutes, just so that I could be the last in the pool before closing after having been the first swimmer of the season.
I definitely got my money's worth this summer, thank G-d, even though I went to New York for a couple of weeks.
This winter I'll have to go to Neve Yaakov for a swim, even though I'll be teaching the same day.
Now, it's almost 10pm, and I haven't had dinner yet.
Tomorrow, no swimming, sigh...
I have to get back to cooking and go to teach. I just hope my teaching day is more pleasant than today was.
Will I, or Won't I?
Sunday, September 09, 2007
My "Sacrifice"
I did it for the "good of the community."
It's a couple of rows back, but not all the way in the back, by the wall. I like the wall for two basic reasons.
- One, I can lean against it, which is more comfortable than just standing.
- Two, it's quiet and less distracting than having people on all sides of me.
I also like being in the third of five rows, since it's both close and far.
The problem with that seat was that the door faced it, and the drafts on my legs and neck were unbearable. Others claim that the Women's Section is stuffy. That may be so in some places but not where I sat. The air conditioner over my head sure kept that air moving and cold. In the winter it moved hot air. It was so chilly in my row that nobody wanted to sit near me. There couldn't be any other reason?!
But still, we had a meeting and the majority voted to keep a large window "all the way open" until it "snows" or rains, or until some of the ladies change their vote. My health, of course, isn't an issue. I'm a minority, since popular knowledge says that it's easier to warm yourself up than cool yourself down.
A lot of people told me to change my seat, so I offered to, as long as I could get one in the front row. I have to sit at the "edge," to reduce the people around me and the noise. Last night as the meeting ended, one of the male committee members spoke to me and in the middle he had a call from someone who didn't like her front row seat and wanted to change it. I got the seat. Now I have to move my scarf, shawl, siddur (prayer book), and T'hillim (Psalms book) from the box of my old seat to the box of my new one.
The main advantage of my new seat is that I'll be able to see what's going on in the men's section, and the big disadvantage is that if there's some special event, the celebrating family gets to sit in the front row.
But the most important thing is that my legs will be warmer. And I did it to show that I don't expect the world to revolve around me and my needs. Living and working with others means we have to compromise.
Shannah Tovah to All

Yes, the dawning of a new age...
no time...
Check in later, yes, later...
eventually, I'll be back.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
internet friends vs f2f & Rosh Hashannah prep
Actually I have a meeting tonight, the "sisterhood" of the local synagogue. We'll probably discuss how full the women's section must be to keep the door opened and other things like that.
About preparing for the three day Holiday. It seems like most everybody is freezing a lot of the food. That way we can just take it out to be reheated. It works well for the meat and poultry. And some kugels, too.
How did I manage years ago with a smaller fridge/freezer, larger family and lots more guests?
Oops! must get to the meeting.
Friday, September 07, 2007
friend far away
One of those, whom I knew in NCSY and roomed with in Stern College, is now, and has been for quite a long time, the Chabad Rebbitzen of the Crimea. She just sent me the link to their new internet site.
It's amazing; take a look!