Friday, September 15, 2017

"Short Week" Before 3 Day Rosh Hashanah Weekend

Today's a busy day for us, so I can't be in the kitchen much. Gd willing we'll be home with enough time to boil water and heat the food for Shabbat. Family fun, bli eyin haraa.

I generally cook all the week's meat and dinner food for my husband when I cook for Shabbat. Since over the years I've had many jobs that kept me out dinner time, he had gotten used to heating up his dinner.

This week Rosh Hashanah begins Wednesday night, so there are only three, rather than five evening meals to worry about. That means I have to prepare less food for Shabbat and the week. That's a relief.

Shabbat Shalom UMevorach
Have a Peaceful and Blessed Shabbat 

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