Vacations, especially in hotels, aren't great for dieters. At least in the Dan Panorama, Eilat, there was plenty of salads, as much as you can eat. And I ate so much, two meals a day. The breakfasts were also, "all you can eat," and more. So I'd fill up on salads, and eggs and a little herring, and coffee, of course. One morning I had a few slices of grapefruit, and, as the norm here, I took a plain yogurt out for my lunch. The other part of my lunch was fruit, taken from dinner.
Ahh, and dinner was more salad, if you can imagine such a thing and some chicken and a slice of some other meat and more salad.
So today I didn't eat salad. Not only, because I was all saladed out, full of seven salad meals in four days, but because we didn't have any in the house.
Today I had cooked vegetables, three meals. #1 with tofu, #2 with eggs and #3 with tuna, water-packed of course.
There wasn't any yogurt either, my favorite snack, and the fruit didn't tempt me. So I did a "diet no, no" and just had three meals.
Sorry, it's crooked. I didn't really plan on shooting a "movie." I hadn't realized that the camera was in video mode.
My Start Fresh kosher weight loss diet isn't unrealistically obsessive, so I trust that customer support will be nice.
PS I had about three bites of dessert the whole time, just to prevent cravings.
When we plan our vacations we always try to avoid place where the main attraction is food. And those 24 hour tea rooms - A KILLER. If you were in control after three bites you will be on maintenance in no time!
The "attraction" was that a chareidi group took over the hotel, so the men and women didn't use the pool, fitness room, jacuzi and steamroom simultaneously.
I tried three of the desserts, a bite each, and had no urge for more. The worst thing about the salad was the salt. I'm not a salt eater. But there was plenty of "undressed" salad to balance it out.
I'm "making peace" with the reality that it will take me a year and a half, most probably, to lose fifty pounds, and then I will always have to stay on the "diet."
Taking a vacation can sometimes disrupt your diet especially when the place your going to is known for its gastronomic delights...It'll take some discipline to stick to your weight loss plan so you'd better plan a vacation to a place with healthier food options.
Taking a vacation doesn't mean your weight loss will take a vacation too!
Sam, there many "diet options" that it was easy to fill my plate with low carb, lowish fat foods. I ignored the cheeses and heavy carbs and was never hungry.
If someone is restricted to cooked food, it was more difficult but still possible to enjoy and eat and not gain. Of course I haven't weighed myself yet.
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