Thursday, January 15, 2009

Good News-Bad News

The good news is that Start Fresh kosher weight loss diet is offering me more time to lose the enormous amount of weight, which has attached itself to me for about fifteen, yes, 15 years. That means that I'll be boring you, or inspiring you G-d willing, with my weight loss saga for the next...

The bad news isn't all that bad. How can I consider it tragic that a computer is "sick?" Our lunky laptop, which isn't very portable, stopped working last night. Luckily, our baby was home and tried to fix it. I went to bed before the verdict came in.

It's freezing cold, and I have lots to do today...


Anonymous said...

Don't stop blogging about your diet. It is inspiring me.

Batya said...

Frayda, I won't stop, can't stop. Now that I've admitted that I'm terribly obese, I want to get back to a normal body, and it will probably take another year or more likely year and a half. Yes, I'm that fat!

Anonymous said...

Just a comment on the good news- bad news title. I think the bad news is good news too. It is so good to be forcefully disconnected. Hey how did our mothers go through life without laptops and cell phones and ipods for that matter!?! (honestly I don't know - did I just uncover my age?)

Batya said...

True, and Lea, how did I raise my kids without all the technology? One better thing was that they had to tell me where to contact them. A kid with a cell phone can be any where.

Yes, I'm old.