Monday, August 02, 2010

Email Problem, Please Help, Mailing Lists Gone

I've been emailing and blogging for quite a few years.  Actually my blogging began after I starting writing articles, which I called my "musings."  I began sending them out to various friends who encouraged me by telling me that I ought to start an internet site. 

In those days internet sites were complex projects which cost lots of money to set up and maintain.  Then I heard about blogs, easy to use free sites on which one could post whatever sort of article one wanted.  I would still send my articles, the best of them, to a select but growing list of people.  I began using my shilohmuse yahoo account at that time, specifically to promote my writing. 

Over time I made my emailing more efficient with the creation of all sorts of lists, especially the jblogger one to notify other bloggers and interested people about Havel Havelim and then later on the Kosher Cooking Carnival and JPIX.  Another very important list is the one to notify people about the monthly Rosh Chodesh Women's Prayers here at Tel Shiloh.  These lists are extremely difficult for me to reproduce, because I don't know many of the people personally, so it doesn't help to just go through my email address book.

I'm going to have to start from scratch.  I need help.  If you would like to be on any of these lists, please email me indicating which list/s:
  • musings
  • jblog carnivals
  • Rosh Chodesh Women's Prayers at Tel Shiloh
And for those who think I have the solution in my "sent box," sorry, I don't keep sent mail.  I do have some old mail from people who have contributed to jblog carnivals, but that's it.  And when I send to lists, I "BCC" the list so people can't "farm" them for email addresses.


PS If any of you jbloggers have lists of other jbloggers, could you please help me out?  thanks again

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