Monday, June 23, 2008

Summer Kvetch, Rant

It never bothered me when I was a kid. I remember riding my bike in 98 degree and same humidity weather. I loved it. Now, I just don't function. Yesterday I wet my shirt in order to walk to pick up my grandson and granddaughters. OK, it was the heat of the day and the total is quite a hike. But I was slathered in sun screen and a large hat, long loose clothes, light colors, just what the experts recommend.

Some people claim that it would be easier if the house was air-conditioned. I don't know. I guess it would make the house more comfortable and I'd get more done.

Three washes out to dry and errands to do...


frumhouse said...

My grandma didn't have air conditioning - only large fans around the house. I practically lived there in the summer, but it was really warm. I don't think I could make it without my air conditioning these days...

Batya said...

Just now, after being in an airconditioned bus, then an airconditioned car up the hill, walking into my house, shades drawn, windows open, two fans in the livingroom... it's too hot!