Thursday, June 19, 2008

Something for Everyone Recipe Carnival

Just the thing to cheer me after being told that the pool has a "chlorine problem." As tired as I am I went off to the pool to wake up and should have expected bad news, since I could hear a man's voice. Oy!

Happily this very colorful Carnival of the Recipes was waiting on my computer. I'm sure that you'll find something to suit you, too!

And don't forget to send in your links to the next Kosher Cooking Carnival!

There is no limit to the amount of posts you can send, as long as they fit the criteria. You may also send in links to other bloggers' posts. Please use the carnival submission form.

If you're interested in hosting a Kosher Cooking Carnival, please don't be shy. It's great fun; just let me know which month you want. The calendar is filling. June's KCC will be hosted by West Bank Mama, July by Soccer Dad, and August will be at Here in HP. So, as you can see, hosting the Kosher Cooking Carnival is definitely the "in" thing to do for jbloggers. To reserve your month, please write to me at: shilohmuse at yahoo dot com

Keep smiling!


Leora said...

Enjoyed the recipe carnival: she organized them by color! One of the bloggers wrote about Shavuot.

You won't be hearing from me for a bit; then all of a sudden, I'll show up again! Take care.

Batya said...

leora, enjoy!!