Tuesday, June 24, 2008

It? He? She? Or What?

I think that Rip Van Winkle would prefer going back to sleep.
Not your usual NY Times type of story, more for the tabloids. But after being featured on "Oprah" it's now kosher enough for the NYT.
Yes, that looks like a man, a pregnant man. Could it be? Well, sort of.
Let's start with the "yes." Yes, there's a baby in that belly.
Yes, the "carrier" looks like a man. Now, what's the punch line? The "man" was born female and kept the original "plumbing." They call it/she/he a "transman."
So, in today's gender blurring, a born female, who wants to be a male, doesn't have to give up her maternal instincts. Does that mean that doctors have created a "new sex category?"
Considering, we really don't know if what we see is what we think we see.
I'm confused. Just think of what's written in Pirkei Avot, Ethics of the Fathers:
"One who is rich is happy with his portion."


Sarah Likes Green said...

more than a little disturbing

Batya said...

Definitely. And sad, too.

Baila said...

What's scary is that it's not even considered crazy or unacceptable. Unusual, maybe now, but in a couple of years it won't be. My kids read newspapers, and saw this. What do you tell kids, who these days are exposed to so much...

BTW, Nesiah Tova!

Batya said...

It is scary. She's a pregnant female, and that's it.

Mindy Schaper said...

I just feel bad for how Hashem feels. How far we are.

Batya said...
