Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Lots of Recipes

Take a gander at the latest Carnival of Recipes on Woman Tribune.

There's a really nice variety, and while we're talking food, don't forget to send in your links to the next Kosher Cooking Carnival!

There is no limit to the amount of posts you can send, as long as they fit the criteria. You may also send in links to other bloggers' posts. Please use the carnival submission form.If you're interested in hosting a Kosher Cooking Carnival, please don't be shy. It's great fun; just let me know which month you want. The calendar is filling. June's KCC will be hosted by West Bank Mama, July by Soccer Dad, and August will be at Here in HP. So, as you can see, hosting the Kosher Cooking Carnival is definitely the "in" thing to do for jbloggers. To reserve your month, please write to me at: shilohmuse at yahoo dot com



Leora said...

You submitted the latest KCC to the Carnival of Recipes! What a neat idea. Thank you again for the Carnival of Family Life; I submitted my zoo post.

And it seems like there are these photo linking projects, too. That was the blue project I did today. I found a red photo project, but I need to concentrate on other things right now. In case you or anybody reading wants to do a red photo:
Ruby Tuesday Project

The creative opportunities on the web are endless.

Batya said...

Well, actually the history of KCC is connected to Carnival of the Recipes. My recipe was once rejected, because they had a theme, pork. That's when I got the idea.

Leora said...

Funny. I clicked on the one recipe that said "healthy" next to it on the Carnival of Recipes, and what did it have but shrimp.

Thank you so so much for starting the Kosher Cooking Carnival. I think it's lots of fun.

Batya said...

No surprise. If it's really healthy and interesting you can always make it with a kosher fish.

But it's so much nicer to just have everything kosher. And there are people with allergies who find the strict division/separation of food types healthy and easier to deal with.