Wednesday, January 23, 2013

"One Pot Meal," Baked

I didn't have much time when cooking last week for Shabbat, so I took out my large trusty bake and serve pan, filled it with:
  • cut chicken
  • dalorit, a mini-pumpkin
  • squash
  • onions
  • fresh garlic
And I baked it all until ready.  It was absolutely delicious.  We also had a guest who agreed that it was just the type of food he likes, too.  You can add different vegetables, of course.  I even served it from the pan.

We had side dishes, salad, rice and another vegetable dish with carrots, cauliflower and broccoli.



Miriam said...

Batya... sounds delicious! I also make one-pan meals... going to share....

Leah, Maaleh Adumim said...

1. dalorit is called "butternut squash" in the US.

2. by squash do you mean zucchini?

3. do you remove the rind of the dalorit first - and if so, how?

Batya said...

Miriam, thanks
Leah, zucchini or what I saw in AZ as Mexican squash. I open the dalorit and take out the seeds.