Sunday, December 29, 2013

Wonderful Shiloh, Wonderful Neighbors

Last night was the annual "honoring volunteers of the year" ceremony in Shiloh.  Lots of neighbors came to celebrate the wonderful volunteerism that  exists here in Shiloh.

It started off praising those who either as volunteers or beyond the call of duty in their jobs helped others during the great blizzard of Tevet 5774, December 2013.

People were praised for finding car-owners willing to charge phones, the young and not so young who helped dig out cars, clean driveways and paths, the librarian who opened the library to even though she didn't have to, the extra hours and difficult conditions the doctor and nurses worked, the medics, ambulance drivers and tractor driver who worked non-stop, the grocers who made sure there was always something to buy, the people who ran activities for children out of school and pre-schools, the ones who delivered food to those who couldn't cook, the electric company workers who not only fixed the high tension towers but flew in emergency generators and the locals who hosted them, making sure they had hot food.  The list goes on...

In addition there were the standard, planned awards.

Photo by Miriam Feyga Bunimovich

Photo by Chaia
Photo by
 Miriam Feyga Bunimovich
I was there to present the "Volunteer of the Year-Torah Study Award" to the neighbor who has been organizing our Shabbat Women's Class, "The Shiur Nashim," שיעור נשים for at least twenty of its thirty-two years.

Yaffa Tzoref receiving her gift.
Photo by Chaia

Since I'm in the year of mourning for my mother and restricted from attending festive occasions, I was only there for the beginning during which I had a specific job to do.  Just before I left, the volunteer who has been organizing activities for seniors, social, cultural and an ulpan, also received recognition and a gift. She certainly deserves it and more. I don't know else was awarded.  But one thing for sure, we made the right decision moving to Shiloh. It is a wonderful place to live.  Chessed, giving to others is part of daily life here.

Photos not credited are my own photography.


ariela ben-eliezer said...


Batya said...

Ariela, thanks neighbor!