Yesterday was Rosh Chodesh Nissan, and I just don't feel ready for Pesach. I just pulled out a ton of stuff from my freezer and will have to block off a section to sell via our local rabbi. There's no way I can finish everything and I can't afford to get rid of it either. We're going to have a strange menu for Shabbat, and I'll cook to freeze food for Friday night of Shabbat Hagadol. I'll just serve it all on disposables. At least we're invited out for that Shabbat lunch.
Now, that was a strange introduction to this month's Kosher Cooking Carnival. This Jewish month is Nisan, meaning miracle, and I really feel that it'll take a miracle for me to feel ready for the Holiday. Since my "minhag," custom isn't to clean at night... and I'm still awake, I'm going to post a quick issue of KCC. Usually I recommend sending your links via blog carnival, but bc hasn't been functioning of late. So if that situation continues check out who's hosting via our facebook page. You can always check with me if you want to host or submit a link.
Frum Satire only found seven for his 10 craziest kosher for Passover products. Please send him ideas. No doubt that pretty much everyone can come up with some suggestions.
Check out Yosefa's What's in my Fridge for Pesach.
Doug is now "Guest Curator of Artisanal Beer" and he also blogged about Strange partners for new beers.
Pragmatic Attic posted a recipe for Prune Danish Braid (use up your leftover lekvar), and of course you can make it any other time of the year, except Passover. She also posted Paula Wolfert’s Pan Roasted Cauliflower.
Quinoa with Squash, Leeks, and Sage is from Challah Maidel, but it's not challah.
My friend, fellow blogger and fellow football

Israeli mothers still bake at home. Look at these luscious cakes brought to my grandson's מסיבת סידור Siddur Party.
My freezer has emptied out a big since I blogged this.
Does anyone know the name of this Miami kosher restaurant? I took pictures and sort of blogged a review, but for some stupid reason, I forgot to mark down its name...
I reviewed a very interesting diet book, A Doable Diet, The Life-Transforming Diet, Based on Maimonides. And of course, the diet is 100% kosher and suitable advice is given for Shabbat and the Chaggim.
Wishing you all a wonderful and healthy Passover. Please visit the posts, comment and share. Also, of course, share this blog carnival far and wide.
Chodesh Nissan Tov!
thanks for putting this list together and for featuring my piece!
Thanks for the link!
Great round up. Thanks for the link!
Thanks to all of you for blogging!
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