Saturday, October 29, 2016

Horseradish for All Year, Not Just Passover and Gefilte Fish

Over twenty years ago, when there were lots of newcomers, olim chadashim, from the USSR here in Shiloh, suddenly during, or just after, Pesach many knocked on our door asking for their favorite "natural cure," freshly grated horseradish. Word had gotten out that we had the "real stuff" in our house. The bitter herb horseradish at our seder is from the root, ground well in the "coffee bean grinder" of our Passover Moulinex blender bought in the early 1970's. My husband adds some vinegar, and it stays potent a few months until I use it up. I eat it with my morning eggs and other foods.

This year's horseradish was finished months ago, and I had asked my husband to buy me a new root. Unfortunately I took my time in preparing it, so it wasn't all that fresh when I finally grated it the other day.

I had to carefully peel it with a sharp knife, and then I threw the peels into the garden...
Actually, I shredded it in the food processor.

Then I put it all in a glass jar and added some vinegar.

And then I served it as a "dressing" on my fish and vegetables!

It was a very healthy, tasty addition to the meal!

More about horseradish:


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