Yes, the percentage of liquid beer to foam was pretty pathetic, and I had to keep waiting until I could pour more and for it to liquify. Then I'd pour more and wait yet again and again.
A Jewish Grandmother: Original, unedited daily musings, and host to the monthly Kosher Cooking Carnival. **Copyright(C)BatyaMedad ** For permission to use these in publications of any sort, please contact me directly. Private accredited distribution encouraged. Thank you.
Monday, December 28, 2020
Awaiting Replacement from SHEVET Beer
Yes, the percentage of liquid beer to foam was pretty pathetic, and I had to keep waiting until I could pour more and for it to liquify. Then I'd pour more and wait yet again and again.
Thursday, December 24, 2020
Torah Tanach Bible Commentary, Tale of Two Robes, Joseph and Samuel
Friends and others who have learned Torah Tanach Bible with me over the years, or has it already been decades, know that I tend to notice what others don't. Rarely a teacher much more scholarly than myself will say that one of the sages chazal wrote something similar, but usually my "inspirations" are met with various forms of incredulity. I guess my mind works very differently from most. And I wasn't raised on the usual "sipurei Torah," Torah stories a mishmash of drash commentaries frequently far removed from the pshat actual text of the Torah Tanach Bible.
Recent Torah Portions of the Week, Parshat Shavua, have mentioned the special coat that Jacob gave his favorite son Josef, the first born of his favorite wife, Rachel. This coat caused terrible jealousy among Josef's ten older brothers, and Josef had no clue as how to lower the tension. Actually, neither did Jacob. That coat became a symbol of the hatred between the brothers, and it was brought all bloodied to Jacob after the older brothers sold Josef to Egyptian merchants.
Compare that robe, the one Jacob gave Josef and the one (actually many) Hannah gave Samuel. Jacob gave one that didn't "fit" causing problems, while Hannah gave Samuel, whom she had sent to "study" with Eli the High Priest in Shiloh, a new one each year to suit his "size."
I picture Hannah teaching her precious son each year when she visited him in Shiloh. Not only was each new robe the correct size for Samuel, but her instructions suited his age and development. That's how Samuel became the great leader, Samuel the Prophet, who was privileged to anoint the first two kings of the Jewish Nations, Saul and David.
Food for thought. What do you think?
Monday, December 14, 2020
Perfect Visit to Tel Shiloh
Today my husband and I took visitors to Shiloh Hakeduma, Tel Shiloh. I was happy to see lots of tourists there, Israelis, Jewish. There was a time when most of the tourists were Christian visitors from abroad. Now after close to a year living under the threat of COVID19 aka Coronavirus, foreign tourists don't come to Israel. Nobody wants to waste two weeks of a vacation in quarantine. Besides that, those who administer Shiloh Hakeduma have been working hard to bring more Israelis to see our local Biblical archeological site. From the buses and cars in the parking lot, it's clear that they are succeeding.
Today's Shiloh and the Biblical Shiloh are one and the same. It's where the Mishkan, Tabernacle -the forerunner of the Holy Temple- stood for close to four hundred years. Shiloh is where Chana prayed for a son and then was the location she took her son, Samuel to for his education. Shiloh Hakeduma is a wonderful place to spend the day.
Before you see some of today's photos, here's contact information: Phone: 02-5789122,
Sunday, December 06, 2020
Alexander Green aka IPA Definitely Great Beer
Another confession, I had no idea what Alexander had meant by "green," but I really liked the beer. So, no surprise, I consulted my beer mentor, Doug Greener the beer maven who informed me that Alexander Green is an IPA first produced by them before Israeli craft brewers were using the term. That shouldn't have surprised me, because I do like a good IPA, but I'm not professional enough to recognize them by taste. Maybe now I will be...
OK onto the beer, enough introduction-
As you can see, the beer pours to a gorgeous golden brown and just enough, but not too much foamy head. There's a clean, pure hop aroma and taste making it the perfect beer for us purists. I'm looking forward to sampling more of Alexander's craft beers.
Wednesday, December 02, 2020
How Would I Survive Without Crocheting?
I've been having so much fun crocheting. I've discovered a whole new world of creativity. Besides the potholders, hotplates and bags, I've made a bunch of "mask holders," too. I have two packages, of 50 masks each, tied into this one. Our disposable mask supply had needed some organizing. I bought myself two pretty colors for the same price as the pale blue. My husband is sticking with the blue and doesn't want a crocheted holder.
Crocheting is just mindless enough not to interfere with my concentration when listening to classes. By keeping my hands busy, it actually helps me concentrate. I'd also be happy crocheting while watching tv or movies on DVD/tv. The only thing that stops me is the expense of the yarn. I'd finish of a batch too quickly. And then there's the other problem. Not all that many people are really interested in my creations. Recently I gave one to a young woman who volunteers as an emergency medic and needed a nice special bag to carry her phone on Shabbat.
No doubt that I'll find more people who appreciate them, Gd willing. In the meantime, I'm having fun.
Saturday, November 21, 2020
Shapiro's Oatmeal Stout Beer, Nice, Dark and Tasty
Shapiro's Oatmeal Stout may be the same dark brown as those cheap dark/black beers sold in Israel inexpensively in the soda selection, but the taste is definitely a world apart.
Shapiro's Oatmeal Stout is rich and satisfying, perfect way to end a chilly day.
While writing this post, I decided to check out my report about the Stout Beer Tasting I had participated in almost four years ago under the tutelage of Doug Greener, my beer maven. That evening I discovered that I liked stouts, so I was curious about how Shapiro's ranked. To my great surprise, it wasn't in the running. That seemed strange, because according to Shapiro's site, they've been in business since 2011, though I have no idea how long they've offered their oatmeal stout. I guess it's time for Doug to offer another tasting session to try out what the Israeli craft breweries are now offering as stout.
Thursday, November 19, 2020
STORY TIME Continues on My Facebook Live
Months ago, at the beginning of these corona/COVID restrictions I began reading a children's book on my facebook live every weekday afternoon.
Sometimes I'm amazed at the people tuning in to watch. Some are total strangers, and some are close family. Generally I read at 4pm Israeli time which is 9am New York time. I must admit that I'm rereading books, a suggestion of my sister.
If you're on facebook, you're welcome to join.
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Alexander's AMBRÉE Beer, Nice Full Flavor
Last week when I explored the local shopping center/industrial zone, I discovered that the Super Menachem supermarket has an interesting selection of Israeli craft beers. So, of course, I bought some, a couple of Alexander beers. Tonight I decided to try the Alexander Ambrée.
The Alexander Ambrée has a nice warm orangy color and a very foamy head. I enjoyed the rich flavor. In English it would be called an amber beer, but the Alexander brewery apparently prefer the French word. But no matter how you spell or pronounce it, this is a very tasty beer. I'm glad I chose it.
I'm adding Alexander Ambrée to my list of favorite Israeli craft beers.
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
Pishers' Guide to Jerusalem #33, New Public Toilets Downtown
I was happily surprised to discover a new prefabricated public toilet building on Rechov Yaffo near Kikar Davidka. That area has long been in need of a WC 00 or whatever you want to call it.
Though I wasn't in need of the facilities, this intrepid journalist bravely opened the door to the "ladies room." After I recovered from the strong smell of urine plus, I quickly surveyed and photographed it.
Thankfully, there was lots of soap in the dispenser, and I could even see toilet paper. Obviously, whoever is supposed to be cleaning it should arrive to work more frequently and with sanitizing detergent. But if one is in need of such facilities, soap and toilet paper are definite necessities. I was rather surprised and upset to see that the handicapped stall is part of the men's room. If a woman is in need, she'd have to have someone with her to make sure no urinal or man is there. There should have been a third door, special for the handicapped stall.It's possible that placing the handicapped in the men's section was because the area of land is too small for a larger prefabricated public toilet. If that is the case, then I'd have preferred a "unisex" public toilet like the one in the First Station. Men and women use it, and there's a handicapped stall. Of course there isn't a urinal, which shouldn't be a problem, since homes don't have them.
Again, I'd like to thank the Jerusalem Municipality for adding these public toilets to an area of downtown Jerusalem, which had been needing them.
If you have any suggestions, please let me know, thanks.
Thursday, November 05, 2020
Still More Stories To Tell About Our Early Days In Israel 50 Years Since Aliyah
I've written a bit about our early days in Israel on Shiloh Musings, since it's already fifty 50 years since our aliyah. There's lots more to tell. That first year in Israel was quite a year. We arrived by boat as newlyweds and finished the year as parents of an adorable baby girl.
Davka, our neighbors, even our closest friends in Shiloh, know almost nothing about that first year. It was a full decade before we moved to Shiloh. The one person we knew then in the Old City of Jerusalem, yes that's where we lived most of the first year, passed away a few years ago. That's one of the reasons I offered to tell our story to the senior citizen club, Adarta. Even though it's for our age, we generally don't go to the meetings. When we celebrated our fiftieth 50th wedding anniversary I realized that only two other couples have been married longer than we have. And as olim immigrants who had made aliyah as a married couple, we hold that record as having done it longer ago than any other.
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
Shapiro's Barista Beer- WOW!
Way back when... could it only have been just over a year ago... in the days when summer nights were made for enjoyable beer festivals, I attended a beer festival in Jerusalem and complained about the latest Israeli craft beers. The big thing was "flavored beers," and the artificial flavoring plus beer just didn't work. I wrote Where's The Beer?" Jerusalem Beer Festival 2019. One of the worst was a "cherry beer" that tasted worse than a children's antibiotic.
That experience put me off of flavored beers, however...
When the beer maven, Doug Greener blogged about coffee-flavored beer... I began to crave it, coffee beer that is. One of the companies making coffee beer is my favorite, Shapiro, and I just had to buy some. But how was I going to buy it? The country was in corona COVID lockdown! There was no way I could justify traveling by bus to Jerusalem for Barista Beer. And since it's a "limited edition," no guarantee I'd even find any.What could I do? I bided my time.
Finally it became legal to travel to further than your closest stores to shop for food. I had also used up almost all of my jersey yarn for crocheting projects.
Siyate d'Shmaya, Hand of Gd, beer and yarn stores are in the same neighborhood, so off I went to Jerusalem today.
At the very first liquor store I passed, there it was... calling me. How'd it know? I bought a six pack, three barista, two IPA and one stout. That's because I hadn't found an open yarn store, so I wasn't schlepping. An added bonus was that since I bought six they could safely pack them in a special carton. And Baruch Hashem, thank Gd the carton fit into my backpack. And then while rushing to catch the lightrail to my bus I found a store with the yarn that was selling by "orders" outside their door with immediate "delivery." So I had lots to schlepp, but I bought what I needed.Now, no doubt you want to know how the Barista coffee beer tastes.
Simply put, coffee and hops make a great shidduch, match. There's no artificial taste in Shapiro's Barista coffee beer. Shapiro uses a pale ale, not my favorite beer, but when it's paired with cold brew coffee, it's a hit. The coffee gives the pale ale more flavor and body. Drinking it I didn't feel like I was drinking a flavored beer. There's something more natural; the flavors blend nicely.
I was so excited about the beer I drank it as soon as it cooled. Barista is great after a busy day, and I'll try some on Shabbat morning, too. Yes, it's definitely recommended.
Monday, October 19, 2020
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Crocheted Bags, My Latest Hobby, Update
Sunday, October 04, 2020
Aliyah- With All Your Heart, With All Your Soul...
I just had to write this. What do you think?
I just have to get this off my chest.
It's really driving me crazy when I hear/read advice to soon to be arriving olim about what to bring, what they must have from the "old country" when living here.People treat me like I'm nuts for saying they should try what's here in Israel, and they may even like it better.
Honestly, what's the point in moving to a new country if you want to eat the same foods, cook with the same spices, get the same medications, set up your house to look like you're in Monsey, the Five Towns or New Jersey?
Where's your sense of adventure?
should be like a proper purification in the mikvah, all orifices open, accepting, cleansed
Think of the Sh'ma Prayer:
"...with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your might..."
like a marriage, you must change yourself for it to be successful.
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Pre-Lockdown Escape to Sha'ar Binyamin
I've really been a good girl, staying close to home and not inviting people over. It gets embarrassing at times, since some of my neighbors really need the invitations to socialize. I try to keep inviting friends to walk with me, but...
Sometimes even I need an escape. So a friend and I went to Sha'ar Binyamin a nearby shopping area, which can be easily reached by bus. We went two days before the latest lockdown began. She needed to take care of and get a few things. I just needed an escape.
Monday, September 21, 2020
The New Jewish Year 5781 Has Begun, So Far Amazing
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Happy 5781 Here's my Be a HEAD not a Tail |
On one hand I must admit that Rosh Hashana was awfully depressing. I miss having guests and being hosted. I remember the days when our dining room extended into the living room with multiple tables, all the family plus guests. And then we'd be hosted by neighbors for other holiday meals.
This year my husband and I ate by ourselves, alone, just the two of us. Our children had their own holiday meals. We'll be eating leftovers for the next few days, and I'll try not to think of way back when...
It has been months and months since I've entered the local shul, which is literally in our backyard. I stopped staying for the entire prayer service about a year or more ago when I found the the cold drafts too uncomfortable. I even bought a hooded coat that makes me look like Darth Vardar in powder blue. I decided to give up on the "window wars," preferring not to fight with anyone.We had to sign up for the limited seats for this Rosh Hashana, so I took the plunge. Then a neighbor, who knows me well, said:
"You'll be miserable and leave immediately. The new regulations require open windows."
So I decided to try something new. There's an outdoor minyan almost directly across from my house. I set up a chair just outside the door, and that became my private "Ezrat Nashim," Women's Section. Since it's well in my property, I didn't even need to wear a mask. I could hear most everything, thank Gd.
"Be thankful for what you have."
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
Right now, unless you're a scientist working on a cure or vaccine for corona COVID, you're best off trying to make lemonade. I've also been crocheting.
Monday, September 14, 2020
Shiloh's 2020 Pool Season, Lifesaver
Even though Shiloh has had a swimming pool for decades, because of the corona virus/covid there was no guarantee that it would open. The truth is that opening was delayed and only happened because of behind the scenes pressure by some dedicated swimmers.
One of the public venues the government had declared as dangerous contagion areas was swimming pools, both indoors and outdoors.
When the official corona "danger" status of outdoor pools was removed, the process of opening the Shiloh pool sped up to an Olympic sprint. In a fraction of the time it usually takes, our pool manager had the pool full and the landscape all gussied up for a shortened though much welcomed pool season.