Thursday, May 10, 2007

In Perkei Avot it also says not to run after fame!

I must have messed up my sidebar when I added the JIB Finalist logo. Actually when I finally voted, I rather surprisingly found myself in four finals. Two for Shiloh Musings and two for me-ander.

Of course, I have no idea how well I'll do in the end, but I really want to thank everyone for their support.

It's funny how each blog is in such different categories. Me-ander, which I consider my "slice of life," "diary," etc is was nominated for food and photos. The photos, which I think are better than my cooking, didn't make it into the finals. OK, true, it's the Kosher Cooking Carnival which brought me-ander in. And the KCC is a joint effort. Your kosher food posts are always accepted, and guest hosts are very welcome. If you can take the July one, I'd be very grateful!

Shiloh Musings' Arab Mansions are in two categories, best post and best series. It reassures me that my gut instincts that one of the Jewish Newspapers I had tried to sell the pictures to should have taken my offer. Since I took those pictures last fall, so many more mansions a apartment houses have been built. It should really be investigated. Who is giving the Arabs all that money?

I thought it strange that Shiloh Musings wasn't nominated as best right-wing blog, but considering the popularity of the Arab Mansions series, I guess I'm in through the back door. I know that I could have nominated myself, but I like to see how others perceive me. It's a learning experience. And even at my relatively for a blogger advanced age, I do like to learn.

So, whatever the final count is, I think I've won.
Thank you bloggers every where!


Anonymous said...

From what I've been told, the money is coming from Palestinian-Americans.

Batya said...

In such quantities? Every house in Turmus Aiya has been turned into a mansion, all in the past year or so.