Sunday, June 08, 2008

Not Much Time

This is my early morning, on the computer time, but afterwards I'll be very busy.

It's the "eve" of the Shavuot holiday, and I have cooking, cleaning, shopping and getting ready for Halleli's 5th Birthday. Yes, my married daughter is coming with the crew for the holiday and birthday. And tomorrow afternoon I'm hosting our annual Shavuot in English Shiur (Torah class.) And did I leave out the laundry?

Right, not much time.

Chag Sameach!! Have a wonderful Holiday!


Sarah Likes Green said...

חג שמח!!

Baila said...

chag sameach!

Enjoy the family.

Leora said...

Chag Sameach. If you get a chance, tell us what you're making. I'm deciding my menu as I cook.

Enjoy the family.

Batya said...

Sarah, baila and leora,
Thanks and Chag Samecah to you, too.
Leora, I must post my latest recipes. I also plan as I cook!!!