These are all from early winter. There's no real fall here. Suddenly, it's winter.
What do you think?

A Jewish Grandmother: Original, unedited daily musings, and host to the monthly Kosher Cooking Carnival. **Copyright(C)BatyaMedad ** For permission to use these in publications of any sort, please contact me directly. Private accredited distribution encouraged. Thank you.
All lovely. The second one has a lot of drama for a sky with light blue.
love the first two pics, beautiful
Very nice! I like the middle one the best.
Thanks to all of you.
Actually I prefer the first, because skies like that are seen much more rarely.
Great shots.
Thanks, but it's all G-d's work.
batya, the first one with the hill, the sky, and the tree...the sky has a different quality in can see the geulah in the sky. this is a very special photo.
ya'akov, thanks
G-d has certainly given our Land a different nature.
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