Saturday, October 08, 2011

Post-Fast Problem

I've never heard of anyone else who suffers from this.

If I eat certain food foods after fasting, my mouth burns, hurts.  It started one summer in New York, when we were visiting.  After the Tisha B'Av fast, I drank orange juice and I was in awful pain.  The inside of my mouth and my tongue were "on fire."  Since then I have the same sensation if I have fresh fruit soon after breaking the fast.  I must have cooked food for the first few hours.  I do feel better, perfectly normal, the next morning.

So, tonight, after the Yom Kippur fast, after drinking some water, I had vegetable soup and apple compote and some sesame paste.  I'm still hungry, so I'll heat up the rest of the soup.  Yes, I know that I'm on a low carbohydrate diet, and the soup has lentils and peas, but it's good after a fast.  And the soup needs to be finished before it goes "bad."


aw said...

I get the same thing if it makes you feel any better :)
I think it might have to do with the mouth and throat still being dry after a fast, sometimes anything cold hurts also.
Enjoy your soup and shavua tov!

Batya said...

aw, thanks, now I feel better about it. It's not just me. So, post-fast advice should mention it.

Leora said...

I can't even begin to imagine drinking OJ after a fast (I hardly ever drink it in general - it's so acidic). I might have a somewhat similar reaction if I did.

Water first. Then I had an apple. Then simple vegetable soup. Wet food!

Lentils and peas are GREAT for you.

Batya said...

Leora, the last time I tried a raw apple, I also suffered, so I just wait until my mouth is ready. And for the past few years I try to only eat fruit in season, so I won't touch oranges in the summer.

Eat Well - This American Bite said...

Thank you for the opportunity to host the Kosher Cooking Carnival this month. I have included this and other posts from your site.