Harrods department store.
Photo: Wikipedia.
If you have more examples, please add them in the comments, thanks.
A Jewish Grandmother: Original, unedited daily musings, and host to the monthly Kosher Cooking Carnival. **Copyright(C)BatyaMedad ** For permission to use these in publications of any sort, please contact me directly. Private accredited distribution encouraged. Thank you.
Harrods department store.
Photo: Wikipedia.
Oooh, I can't wait to eat in an Ikea restaurant!!! Never tried one here...
As for kosher venues, I've been covering catering halls (not great writing, but it brings in $) for years and am often impressed that most of the high-end venues here - like the brand-new Trump tower and Four Seasons - have a kosher simchah option, often with packages etc.
For those that don't have an onsite (locked, mashgichim hold the keys) kosher kitchen, the super-high-end kosher caterers will (for a price) bring all their equipment to the site.
But I always feel like the kind of lavish materialism in these high-end luxe venues is highly antithetical to the idea of true, Torah-based simchah.
Of course, that's just here. Nothing to do with kibbutzim and sports bars. :-)
Still, looking at some of the menus in these "upper-crust" places is a solid reminder that the term "apikoros" is rooted in the greek Epicurus, whose philosophy has come to be synonymous with hedonistic and shallow physical pleasure.
Our super wealthy relatives davka did traif in NY just bringing us prepared trays of kosher food. I prefer that the fancy places offer fancy kosher and that consumers order it.
Wish the restaurants in the northern Galil that cater to healthy eaters would get certification. We were on a moshav(?) briefly that had an Indian restaurant and another one as well (it also had Chinese medicine and yoga and herbal remedies), but my friend said they were not certified kosher.
Leora, we have to keep making it clear in public, on the internet, blogging etc that there are many of us who will only eat in a place that has a recognized Shomer mitzvoth/Shabbat Teudah certificate.
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