Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Levitation, 52 Frames and Passover Cleaning

As if I had nothing else to do, but in order not to ruin my perfect record in 52 Frames I came up with a photo of "Levitation."

It's definitely not as technologically advanced, fascinating, uplifting etc as most of the other photos in the album, but those paper airplanes are up in the air. They did better than the balloons I had tried to get flying earlier.

They are powered by 52 FRAMES, as they should be.

I enlisted my husband, as you can see in the photo. Actually, the two of us tried folding the paper into paper airplanes. Decades after we had last done it, we couldn't quite remember how. He even checked with Professor Google, but as you can see, we did good enough jobs.

Yes, it was pretty dumb to waste time with all we have to do in this house even for the minimal "only chametz, not dust nor grime" Passover cleaning.

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