We in Shiloh are among the very select locations in the Jewish world to celebrate a double Purim. Although it's a widely recognized fact that there was a city of Shiloh here in Shiloh long before and certainly long after the events of the Purim story, the rabbis/sages added a hard to prove criteria which would unmistakably give Shiloh a rather conventional one-day Purim.
No photo archives or recognizable stone etchings or mosaics show Shiloh as a walled city at the time of Joshua or the time of Queen Esther, Mordechai and King Achashverosh.
Therefore even though the archaeologists have exposed all sorts of proof of a walled Shiloh, they've decided that our wall's timeline is in doubt.
I have a feeling that the debate will go on forever, just like the calculation of
. Little doubt that's why our local Le Profesor Doctor Numero, the world renown advanced number expert used it as this year's Purim theme.
when i see large numbers such as 100,000...it makes me think l'havdil of how small it is compared to six million.
Ariela, what a totally brilliant thought...
Batya, aside from Jerusalem, which cities ARE qualified to celebrate Shushan Purim? Are all other cities in the same area of doubt as Shiloh? Now that you mention it, I just thought others in Israel might know the other cities (and would they all be in Israel?) that qualify.
Speaking of pi, as many of your readers know, March 14 (3/14) is called "Pi Day" because the first digits of the decimal approximation of pi is 3.14. As a math instructor myself, I often see some Pi Day events around me, and there was a Washington Post blogger who had an article about it recently.
Kudos to Prof. Dr. Numero for the Choni Ha'Maagel sign. He must be an interesting person who happened to take advantage of Pi Day being so close to Purim, and he brought a smile to my face with this article.
Sheldan, our Prof. Dr. Numero is actually a famous Israeli Math professor who creates a "Purim spectacle" on that junction every Purim. He's proof that Math isn't boring.
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