Adventures In AliyahLand will be hosting next week's edition. Please send your submissions directly to her via e-mail at Jay3fer@gmail.com.More information can be found on our facebook page.
This week, since tomorrow is Rosh Chodesh Nissan, I'll be hosting the Chodesh Nissan, aka pre-Pesach Kosher Cooking Carnival. I'm not quite sure when I'll have the time, but bli neder somehow I'll manage. We also have a facebook page. Please send me your links about all aspects of kosher food and kosher cooking to shilohmuse at gmail dot com, with "kcc" as subject, thanks.
With Rosh Chodesh Nissan tomorrow, we're really getting into the home stretch before Pesach. Personally, I feel less ready than usual. I miss being a teacher here in Israel when I'd have at least a full week off, as paid holiday, beforehand. Now I work in a store, and we get no holiday pay and certainly no pre-holiday vacation pay. So when you're shopping, please be extra kind to the staff. We're under terrible stress between the pre-holiday rush at work and the pre-holiday stress at home. Thanks. Hmm, I wonder if anyone will read this paragraph. If you do, mention it in a comment, please, thanks.
Hi Batya - yes, I did read the paragraph. There's no chance I'll see you at the store - I live on the other side of town.
I work at home and had very little idea that people outside my situation also don't have paid vacation or days off before Pesach. The only difference is that my hours change monthly and I will likely have to work MORE hours (like 11 per day instead of 8) davka during the period when I need them the most to prepare for the chag, starting tomorrow.
CDG, Yerushalayim
CDG, yes, I know that the self-employed also don't get vacation pay. This is definitely one time of the year I miss my teaching job! I also work more and harder this season. A "clothing for the entire family store" is definitely busier and more of a mess before Pesach. We do more per hour than usual but don't get more money.
Stay healthy!
Just to clarify - if I were self-employed, I'd be able to arrange my own schedule. But, since I'm not, I can't. There are those of us who work at home who are not self-employed.
You also, stay healthy, Batya.
CDG, Yerushalayim
Sorry, guess I don't know how these things work.
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