Friday, May 27, 2005


Ideas needed.

I'm planning on replacing that weatherpixie who just stands there looking dumb. She waves the flag and watches the sun rise and set. She doesn't know anything about the weather. Apparently the Jerusalem Airport doesn't care about temperatures, because the weaterpixie people get their info from airports.

I'm sure that there are much more intelligent things for the sidebar. I don't want a news ticker. Me-ander isn't that sort of blog.

So if you can think of something, please let me know.

Thanks and Shabbat Shalom!


Jack Steiner said...

I'd offer suggestions but after the mishisgahs I just went through with my blog I am afraid I might just make it worse.

Esther said...

If someone develops something that actually works, they'll make a fortune -- cause nothing I know does.

Batya said...

I wouldn't mind the bimbo if she gave some information, even with the usual mistakes. But she just stands there looking dumb.