Monday, May 23, 2005


Today was a big day. English "Bagrut;" that's the big high school test. My surviving seniors were tested. Surviving, because had refused to allow some, about half, the class in class this year. They hadn't been working/studying and had no way to pass and just disturbed the others. I finally got the support of the principal. So five kids worked hard; they're not stupid, just hadn't studied over the years.

This afternoon, one of them called me, since I wasn't in the school today with them. He thanked me for my four years struggling to teach them, and he also thanked me for the goody-bags I packed for them and had the secretary deliver before the test.

That makes it all worthwhile.

And tonight I ran our local elections. I met the other two committee members as we got organized tonight. I had done all the preparations with the office, etc. They were both young. It was good, since between us all we knew everyone who came to vote.

Good Night

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