Monday, May 23, 2005


Willow Green tagged me. Honestly, I'm not happy about this. I don't blog out of boredom, so I'm going to break the rule and won't tag the minimal three. Though I'd me overwhelmingly grateful for volunteers.

I'm supposed to complete five of the following possiblities, and that I really don't mind doing. Then I'll tag someone who I hope won't be angry, and honestly, if you break the chain it's not the end of the world. But it would be nice to pick just one person.

If I could be a scientist… I'd try to find a cure for disease.
If I could be a farmer…
If I could be a musician… I'd play music that brought joy and calm.
If I could be a doctor…
If I could be a painter…
If I could be a gardener…
If I could be a missionary…
If I could be a chef…
If I could be an architect…
If I could be a linguist…
If I could be a psychologist…
If I could be a librarian…
If I could be an athlete…
If I could be a lawyer…
If I could be an inn-keeper…
If I could be a professor…
If I could be a writerI'd write the truth, and I am and I do try.
If I could be a llama-rider…
If I could be a bonnie pirate…
If I could be an astronaut…
If I could be a world famous blogger…what? I thought that I was!
If I could be a justice on any one court in the world… I'd pick ours and rule against hypocrasy and anti-Semitism.
If I could be married to any current famous political figure…

And I hope that Callie forgives me for tagging her. At least you should visit her blog and meet her.

1 comment:

Batya said...

It's ok.