He absolutely loved the food and ate it with more enthusiasm than he eats my cooking. I kid you not! His good humor and appetite could also be attributed to his new hearing aids (I'll have to blog about them) and the company, most of his grandchildren and all of his great-grandchildren. The kids drank nothing stronger than orange juice and were supervised by a professional security guard. Yes, seriously.
And about those who claim that all this internet stuff is just for the young and too complicated for those of us who already "get discounts," not true.
After too many frustrating times trying to upload pictures for blogging and wasting my time, I found a solution. I've returned to my photobucket account. I don't know why blogger has changed things, but I'm sick and tired of not being able to easily post pictures. Granted that this isn't a one-step process, but thank G-d it works. I just have to remember to do my writing and spellcheck before adding the pictures, since that used to foul up the codes. I hope that you'll enjoy the blog now.
PS HaGov is located at 5 Yoel Solomon St., Jerusalem, the end of Shamai St., near Zion Square. If you're on facebook, you can find it there and check out the nightly sports schedule. Each screen can show a different game.
My grandmother was both driving and using the Internet in her nineties. My sister had to help her with the keyboard because of a physical limitation (she'd stopped driving by then), but if my grandmother had had full use of her arms, I'm sure she would have put many a teenager to shame.
P.S. I'm sure more grandmothers would go on the 'net if their children explained to them the ease of seeing pictures of their grandchildren.
I'm impressed. My father isn't what he once was, but plenty is left. Not that I'm like I once was.
You look great B"AH! I love how your hat matches your skirt. (Did you make the hat?)
Thanks, Mrs. S, yes I did crochet the hat.
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