Friday, August 12, 2011

Went Out To "Pick Some Candy"

"Pick candy?"  Did you honestly think that I made a mistake in language?  Who/how can you "pick candy?"  Nu, how can it be? 

That's right.  Look at the pictures. 

We most probably have the ugliest, worst-cared for garden in all of Shiloh, but this is
the season when we have these sweet delicious dark grapes that taste better than candy, especially to someone who doesn't eat candy and isn't even tempted because... I can go out and pick some!

G-d is good!


Sarah Likes Green said...


Julie@walkablejlm said...

Figs this time of year make good candy, too ...

Batya said...

Sarah, yes for sure
Walk, yes, but I don't have a fig tree or any other fruit one.

Hadassa said...

Ours are almost ripe...

Batya said...

Hadassa, the green ones aren't ripe yet, just the dark.