Haveil Havalim – the Vayechi Vantage.Havel Havelim is the veteran, long-running, weekly international Jewish blog carnival, which floats from blog to blog. It was established by Soccer Dad, who no longer blogs, but of late, only female bloggers have been hosting. So, I challenge the male bloggers to prove you still have in you... nu... Any volunteers? Please let us know, either by emailing me, "HH Host" as subject, or taking up the challenge on our facebook page. This doesn't mean that women are to stop hosting, but I find it strange that a generation of men who aren't afraid to change a dirty diaper have given up this most important public social media task.
Sorry, but I had to get that off of my chest.
Just to let you know, Tzivia blogs on other blogs and has written quite a few books. Actually, her husband Akiva has written a book, too. It's about their aliyah to Israel. I'm almost finished reading it. Somehow it pushed away the other books I've been reading for review. Tzivia, thank you for finding the time to host this Havel Havelim. We all appreciate it!
OK, everyone, please be sure to share this edition of Havel Havelim, read, comment and share some of the posts. There are quite a few, and they are all pretty different. "Jewish blogging" is a very general term and can mean almost anything written by Jewish bloggers if the post touches on aspects of Judaism, Jewish Life, Israel, kosher food, Jewish Holidays etc.
We'll be announcing the next host on our facebook page.
Shavua Tov, have a wonderful blessed week.
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