Yes, I'm talking about Raise Your Spirits Theater, SISTERS! THE DAUGHTERS OF TZELOFCHAD! Written and Directed by Toby Klein Greenwald and based on the Biblical story, just a few lines in the Bible, it is an amazing and scholarly interpretation of what can be considered one of the more "feminist" Biblical events. Tzelofchad's five daughters were given the status of sons by Gd. And here on stage we heard and watched their story.
Bamidbar 27
I enjoyed seeing my granddaughters mesmerized by what they saw on the stage. I come from a family of theater lovers, meaning both on and off the stage. The only times I wish we had moved to Efrat, rather than to Shiloh, is when it's production and performing time for RAISE YOUR SPIRITS THEATRE. I'm so itching to be there with my friends on the stage and behind the scenes.
And I hope that my older granddaughters managed to listen and follow to the story, too. Actually, I think that the girls high schools here and post-high school study programs for girls from abroad should hire the theatre to perform for them. It would be a shame if they gave up this chance to learn the story of those very special daughters and sisters.
*Operetta is a genre of light opera, light in terms both of music and subject matter.
Dear Batya, thank you for your wonderful warm words! FYI, we have FOR YEARS pursued the high schools and the post-high school midrashot, and this year more than ever before, reached out to them, due to the topic. There are 2000 midrasha students in the Jerusalem area, but the only midrashot that sent students, as a school (to the best of my knowledge) -- were Midreshet Bat Ayin (around the corner from us), Omanut v'Emunah of Jerusalem (yashar koach to Rabbi David Debow). Midreshet Darkeynu (the special needs program in Lindenbaum), and Lindenbaum posted a sign-up sheet for other students. Yes, it is a mystery. Halevai that your post will be read by some midrasha directors.
Toby, I've been telling everyone about it. It's a shiur on the stage. All the Matan students should be seeing it!
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