Wednesday, May 03, 2017

Anytime Vegetable Kugel

I first developed this recipe for Passover. It began as a Potato Kugel, a classic Ashkenaz Jewish food. But recipes and cooking evolve, even more quickly than languages. As I tried to reduce the carbohydrates, it finally transformed into this Vegetable Kugel, without a single potato.

1 onion, 1 squash, 1 celery root, 1 sweet potato and 3 medium carrots

Since our hostess for the Israeli Independence Day bash asked, davka, for a Vegetable Kugel, that's what I made. I shredded all of the vegetables in the food processor and put them in a large bowl adding 5 eggs and a bit of salt and pepper.

I mixed it all well and then added some matzah meal and olive oil. And then it all went into the baking pans. Sorry, but I can't give exact measurements. I just wanted the eggs and matzah meal to hold it all together. Before putting the pans in the oven I poured a bit more olive oil  on top of each kugel, so they'd be crispy. I baked them in a medium oven, like you'd bake a cake.

And they came out looking gorgeous. They taste great too. It's always a good idea to make more than you need, since they freeze well.

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