Sunday, August 19, 2018

Is There a "Jetlag Special?"

Last night I didn't get enough sleep. That happens a lot after Shabbat, especially in the summer when I've dozed off a bit too much in the long lazy afternoons. My body doesn't need tons of sleep, so my brain just refuses to turn itself off at a normal hour. I then get up in the morning feeling awfully jetlagged.  Think about it, Jetlag sans the expense of a flight abroad.

Last night was one of those nights. As we Gd willing draw to the end of My New Kitchen Saga and all the added stress it involves, falling asleep is even more difficult than usual.

awfully early
didn't sleep enough last night
coffee to rescue

To add to the kitchen renovation stress syndrom, when we arrived home last night I discovered that the freezer door had been left slightly open over at least 30 hours. Thankfully the food was still cold,  B"H. But it took until I woke up in the morning for me to see signs that things were refreezing.

Gd willing I'll be off extra early to the pool, in order to be home for the kitchen workers.

I once requested a "jetlag special."

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