National Laundry Day Postponed!
Ever since it became the norm to change garments daily and launder more than once a week, there has been a defacto Jewish Holiday, the day after Passover and Succot. It's known as "National Laundry Day."
The pile up of dirty laundry, not considered life threatening enough to launder during Chol Hamoed, reaches the danger mark in many Jewish homes, especially those privileged enough to have hosted overnight guests. Yes, there's a holiday-like joy in dousing the dirty stuff with detergent and after thorough washing and drying enjoying the sweet scent of newly laundered fabric.
This year, at least in the HolyLand, G-d decided that we deserved a bonus blessing the gift of rain, so those of us who hang our washes out to dry in the sun have discovered that the great National Laundry Day is postponed.
Not being one of G-d's inner circle, I was caught by surprise. I had started wash #1 last night. So it's ceremoniously now hanging in the livingroom, l'zecher, to remember this special holiday, rain or shine. I will also launder a "dark wash," which is best hung to dry indoors.
Chag Samech
Have a Happy Holiday

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