You must take a gander at the 17th Kosher Cooking Carnival at the Baleboosteh's. It is the best ever, the biggest and the best designed and tasty for sure!
If you're interested in hosting a future KCC, please let me know. And of course, don't forget to send links of any post about kosher food.
- traditions
- memories
- halachik points
- menus
- tips
- cookbook reviews
- and, yes, recipes
Please send your kosher food links and any you find on the net to shilohmuse at yahoo dot com or via blog carnival, since this carnival is based primarily on submitted contributions, not searches.
Thank you and Shavua Tov!
this is so cool! thank you so much for sending this to me. I am going to pass it on to all of my super jewey blog buddies!
I'm also adding you to my blog so that I can share you with others and remember to visit often.
also, please check out amy guth's blog. I think she'd love this! she's a fabulous jewish vegan broad with oodles of kosher recipes.
youse two should definitely link up :)
Thanks so much!
and thanks, I will!
wish i had time to cook...
shalom muse...glad to be back in my own kitchen and blogging again...thanks for all your good wishes and prayers...now guess who is the oldest in the family??? sigh...stay safe...talk to you soon...off to check your recipes :)))
Sarah, these things go in cycles. Your cooking time will come.
Marallyn, I'm so sorry about your mil; haMakom y'nachem.
It must be disorienting to return to regular life.
This makes me wanna host again... That is, if allowed... Can the KCC go renegade again?
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