Thursday, April 05, 2007

Visiting, instead of doing the dishes and cooking, bad me!

I will got to the kitchen soon, but just, first I'll start.

Has anyone ever seen this blog? She's actually a relative; though we've never met.

My husband posted a felafel recipe. I wonder if he's planing on cooking some. It isn't for Passover, and we had it twice before Pesach, so I wouldn't have to cook dinner.

Smooth always knows what's behind the scenes.

Read this fictional history from Soccer Dad. And here's the 7 month baby report.

Yaak reminds us that the Birkat HaChamah will be in two years.

Jameel shows us another of those English "bloopers." Why does everyone think they "know" English?

Learn about the Afikomen from Joe Settler.

The Sultan Knish muses about his two years of blogging.

That's it for now. The kitchen awaits! More visiting planned for later.


Smooth said...

Thanks for the link!

Batya said...

my pleasure
Keep up the good work!