Most are my photos, except those I've labeled differently.
"Blue and White" in Israel is also the traditional "formal dress" on special occasions. Little children must have their "white shirts" to wear to ceremonies. Decades ago, when I was a young mother in Bayit V'Gan, Jerusalem, one of the grandmothers who took her grandchildren to the same park I frequented, told me how during the difficult days in the 1950's, soon after the State of Israel was established, when she had to get one of her children dressed for Independence Day, she couldn't buy a new clean white blouse. So she took a well-bleached white pillow case, cut a openings for the neck and arms, did a little sewing and some embroidering, resulting in--a perfectly pretty, new white blouse!
by Fred
Machon Shilo
My favourite is the Machon Shilo flag.
It's good to add some orange to the flag.
Atzmaut Sameah
Yes, it's nice graphics. I can't pick a favorite, though I'm partial to the ones I took at the Avihu Chai March.
I enjoyed these.
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