Actually, it's morning here, but I took this picture last night, after eating our traditional post-Bedikat Chametz felafel, which my husband brings home from Jerusalem every year. This year, in lieu of extra help, I had extra felafel, as he brought some home last Thursday night, too.
Yesterday I didn't leave the house at all, just cooked and cleaned and took a couple of short, yes very short breaks here at the computer. So after eating, I decided to get out. So armed with my trusty camera in my new "camera case,*" I went for a walk.
Strange, what one finds in the street at night. I think someone was having a very comfortable cookout.

Ever since Mr. Bagel Blogger took up my idea and instituted the JPIX Carnival, I'm extra careful to remember to take pictures and post them. He's amazing; in a recent post, he explains how to fix up your banner with photos. I'm not playing with this one, since ~Sarah~ did such a great job, also on Shiloh Musings. If you've been posting pictures, don't forget to submit your photos for the upcoming JPix 5 which will be on April 9. For more info on the carnival check out: Here or email: jpixcarnivalATgmailDOTcom.
Now for a bit of visiting, though I'm awed by the amount of bloggers who've posted: no more blogging until after Pesach, and that's dated before Shabbat Hagadol!
Marallyn tells us why we're stressed out. The baleboosteh posts great pics of her three gems! It’s Never Too Late from West Bank Mama about aliyah. I'd love for my parents to come here. Irina ponders "balanced" people. Interesting Japanese seder instructions (yes, the link does work) on tikkun olam. Simply Jews shows us two very similar pictures; what do you think? jrants isn't showing links, so nothing new this time
That's it for now. Back to the kitchen!
*I must blog about it sometime. It's an invention of mine, since I wanted a case to be worn around my waist.
Thanks for the link! Chag Sameach!
my pleasure
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