Sunday, November 30, 2008

It Could Only Have Been Designed By A Man

Is this the shape of things to come?

These are the "conveniences" in Jerusalem's trendy Mamilla Mall. When we ate there last week, I was horrified to see these things. Too bad I didn't know that the restaurant we ate at had more "comfortable ones."


Jewish Side of Babysitter said...

I've never seen a square one like that before...strange.

Leora said...

So now you're posting toilets? I hope you aren't sending this to KCC or JPIX. :=)

Batya said...

Babysitter, Leora, It's just the most uncomfortable and disgustingly dirty, since hard to sit on that I thought it newsworthy. My cousin and I agreed that it would be dangerous for our granddaughters.

Jewish Side of Babysitter said...

Muse: I was actually thinking about that when I saw the picture, that kids might fall in.

Batya said...

Babysitter, that's exactly what my cousin and I said about it. It would be dangerous for our granddaugters.