Monday, November 10, 2008

Thank You Jewlicious!

Way back in August as the International Jbloggers Convention, I made a request to all the "biggie" high volume/hits/visitors jbloggers to, as good community members, get involved with the jblog carnivals, just a mention would be enough.

Well, the great David, aka ck, "Netanyahu!?," of Jewlicious has actually hosted a Havel Havelim! Yes, this week's.

Take a look! Nu, David, maybe next time you'll try a Kosher Cooking Carnival?


Leora said...

I think I may have gotten him interested in JPIX.

Batya said...

That would be something.

To encourage hosting the carnivals there should be some badge for those who have hosted all three jblogger carnivals. Very few of us have.