I went through my files and found three very different pictures and wonder if you'll be kind enough to vote in the comments. Since the next edition #39 is due to be posted next week, please get your vote in by February 24th.
And of course if you've posted anything about kosher food, recipes, halacha, anecdotes, traditions, restaurant or cookbook reviews, please send me the link. For those who would like to host an edition, please write to me at shilohmuse at yahoo dot com
number two
I'm confused. Are you changing the logo, or the picture within the current logo?
I choose this:
this at this.
rm, that's a healthy one!
mii, I'm not adept with picture graphics, so I can't change the picture's composition.
a, honestly, I can't identify it with my KCC. Email me, and I'll explain what I'd like.
# 2 if you are going to change
Feel free to email me with your ideas too and I can come up with a new logo design. yeshasettler at gmail dot com
None of the three pictures clearly identify a kosher cooking carnival specifically. I'd say wait to change the logo until you can find or create something that visually says Jewish/kosher. Maybe a collage made out of those colored labels in red, blue and green that say meat, dairy and parve? Or the posuk that says "bosor,v'dagim v'chol matamim" with some examples surrounding the words?
Wink, you know what it tastes like, too...
Pesky, thanks, we'll be in touch.
Profk, interesting idea. The last #3 is more visually kosher, though.
I vote for Pesky Settler to come up with something.
I agree with profk; the kosher aspect should be made clear.
Leora, Ilana-davita, it's in Pesky's court now.
Thanks everyone. Keep sending in ideas.
I vote for #2. Leave the chimp wannabe out.
I'm glad you like the veggies. That's the type of food I cook for Shabbat, as the side dish, of course.
A friend of mine in J-M always likes to remind me that "Men don't cook; they barbecue."
Number 3
Besides, Israel, al haAish,...you know.
Yes, Ya'aqov, that's why it's among my selection.
These aren't logos, they're pictures. I don't have an idea immediately, but I think I, or someone else, could think of one. Something involving the hebrew letters for kosher, maybe with vegetables or fish worked in. Or a pig crying, because he's been rejected. Google Kosher images, and see what you come up with.
Pesky went through some kcc's and will transform a picture into a logo. Sounds yummy
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