Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Daily and Weekly Photos, 365 and 52

As if I have nothing else to do, I've been participating in two photography groups, a daily one, 365Project, and a weekly one, 52Frames.

They have one thing in common and that's the time restriction. The photo for 365project must be taken the day it's uploaded, and only one per day, while 52Frames gives us a week to photograph for that weekly deadline.

The big difference is that there are "strict" weekly challenges we're supposed to attempt. The challenges are basic, and sometimes more advanced photographic techniques, styles, etc. And for the 365project we can photograph anything we want. There are those who join members taking on a specific challenge, but for most members it's more of loosely themed photographic diary.

For this week, deadline was early Monday morning Israel time, 52Frames asked for a black and white photo:

As rushed and freezing cold as I was, I just had to stop, take off my gloves and shoot this scene. I could just see it in black and white, especially the stone sidewalk. My eyes blurred from shooting into the sun, but we photographers are always taking risks for our art..

And here are a few of my recent 365project photographs:

Peeking in the Schoolyard

When my children studied here the school was so very bare-bones basic. We were grateful that the small prefab structures that were used as classrooms for many didn't leak. And there certainly wasn't a fence around it.
Now besides the landscaping, there is outdoor musical equipment like this xylophone.

Traffic Jam

Suddenly, as we rode south on the Alon Road to Kochav Hashachar, we were forced to stop.

Golden Morning


I photograph with both my Samsung J7 smartphone and my small Canon IXUS 145 camera.

Both groups are now very international, though 52Frames started in Israel, if I'm not mistaken. Sometimes I explain Jewish customs on 365project, like here:

Last Whiff of the Sabbath

A new week has begun. According to Jewish Tradition, one part of the "Havdalah," Separation ceremony is smelling "spices."
May this be a good week for all.
Although both groups do have an optional paid membership, I don't pay, and I can still participate.

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